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"What are you? A scam?!" I shrieked.

If he is doing this for gags, now it's not the right time. I lost my mother just a while ago for God's sake.

He let out an annoying sigh before turning his head toward the lane's opening.
I followed his gaze and gasped at how late it is. The dull rays of moon scattered wearily throughout the empty pathways. The street lights were lit brightly, allowing me to see cars passing by.

"I have to go home." I lied.

I wanted to stay away from that place as much as possible.

He sighed once more and finally stood up, dusting his jeans before placing his hands inside his pockets.
He began to leave but I grabbed his hand on time.

"You're not joking. Are you?" I asked, my heart filled with hope.

I couldn't see his reactions to what I was saying, but I figured he just held himself back from letting out another sigh.
Yanking his hand away, he squatted infront of me, his face still a mystery.

"Do I sound like I'm joking?" He said, his tone dipped in apathy.

Judging by the way he's conversing, the answer to that would be a no.

Can he bring my mother back?

"What should I do?" I say bitting my lower lip in excitement.

"Go back home."

"Bu- actually my da-"

"I know what your dad did." He cut me off.

I was taken aback for a moment before he continued.

"Just go home. Meet me after school tomorrow." He placed his hands on his thighs as he stood up to walk away.

"But how will I recognise you?" I said aloud.

"You will."

* * *

"Where were you?!" Laura, my sister cried, shaking my shoulders.

Her eyes showed nothing but pain. The redness and puffiness made her look like she wept for years.
Without answering, I decided to give her a tight hug. No one will understand how hard it is for Laura to take in mom's sudden death.

She hugged me tight and began weeping soundly.

"D-dad's g-gone." She said in between her sobs.

Those few words were enough to give me an adrenal rush. I pulled away, appalled.

"Where did he go?"

"I don't know. The officers have been searching for hours. No sign of him."

"Where's m-mom?" I queried trying to ignore the pang in my heart.

Her eyes teared up and her lips quivered as she began to open her mouth.
But I didn't get the time to listen to her. Two nurses were already taking mom away on a stretcher, her face covered with a white cloth.

I wanted to see her one last time. Seeing her beautiful face always made me happy. But how can I be happy when all I'll see now is my mom's wide eyes filled with fear and pain; her pale skin and her wry mouth. How will I be able to see her when all she'll remind me of how my rascal of a dad smashed her head heartlessly.

My eyes fell on my sister. Maybe I'll never be able to see her happy. She might never be that optimistic girl who always brought a smile on our faces during our sadness. Because now she doesn't have the same support.

I was drowning on my own aching thoughts but somewhere in the back of my mind, something kept shooting rays of hope.

Can that guy really change this?

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