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When you lose someone special, there's never a motive to live. That someone could change the way you look at things but when they're gone, everything becomes scarily impossible. There's no one to push you like that someone used to. And that's how I feel after losing my mom right now.

The rain didn't scare me now. I desperately wanted someone to run thier car over me. I wanted to see mom shaking me violently to wake me up from this nightmare and calling me crazy for believing in it. I wanted her to soothe me and hug me tight, like she used to.

I ran faster than before, earning scowls from people I'm bumping onto. It's bewildering how everyone has somewhere to go and end their day, but I have no idea where I'll end up. The truth is, I don't care anymore. I can't live the rest of my life with a murderer.

The sky roared as the pattering of rain grew noisier. I walked where my legs took me to, sobbing and panting with each step. Without even realising, I came face to face with a dark, narrow alley. Images of dangerous outcomes that might happen if I step inside, made me turn around. My blurry vision got worse for the nonstop tears and rain.

"Hey!" Someone's voice boomed from behind me.

A hand grabbed my shirt and I struggled to break free. He'll probably kill me. My heart willed to let it happen, but my mind screamed to run and hide to save my life.

The hand was too strong for me, it began to pull me into the darkness. My screams echoed through the emptiness of the alley. He place a hand on my mouth and pulled me deeper.

*   *   *

I was seated across from him. The dimness didn't allow me to see his face. I could only make out a silhouette darker than the surrounding.

Hugging my knees, I shifted back trying to create distance despite the narrowness of the pathway.

"Let me go." I sobbed.

"You can go. I didn't tie you up." He sighed.

"W-what do you want?"

"I need to tell you something. Might sound an awful lot like a fairytale but it's true. I know what happened." He scratched his scalp and waited for a response eventhough there's nothing to say.

"Anyway," he continued, "I was sent down here to help you rewind this."

"Wha-what do you mean?" I could hear the loud thumps of my heart through my throbbing ears.

He sighed as loud as anyone can, "I've come here to change your past."


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