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Alex's POV

As I opened the door to my room I saw Kian standing there but before I could say anything I felt his soft lips on mine

But after a few seconds I pulled away

"Kian what are you doing? You can't just come & kiss me, don't you have a girlfriend too?" I said

"I do have a girlfriend but I don't have any feelings for her. I still love you" he said "seriously all this time that I was without you I was just lost"

"Kian I can't.....I-I.......you can't just come bah thinking that we will get back together" I said "I'm happy by myself & I don't need any relationship"

"Can you meet me at that small cafe tomorrow?" He asked

"Sure. What time?" I asked

"5 pm" he said, pecked my lips & walked out the door

After a few minutes of me just standing there looking at the door trying to figure out what just happened I went to my bed & looked under it where I found my wine that I hide there

I say down on the bed & opened the bottle

Let's just forget about this until tomorrow

Kian's POV


I fucking fucked up.

I don't want to be with Emily anymore.

I don't feel anything for her. All these feeling were fake. She was just there for me when I needed someone & my brain played with me, making me think I had "feelings" for her

When I got back home I saw her on the couch with wishbone

"Emily can we talk in my room?" I said & just walked to my room not sure if she would come

"What is it?" She asked when we walked into my room

"I can't do this anymore" I said

"What do you mean?" she asked confused

"Us together. I don't have real feelings for you. Sorry. But I just don't feel anything. I knew it from the beginning & I guess I was just hoping for any feelings to show but yet never did. So this is the end of "us" I said

"Okey, fine. I never loved you anyways" she said annoyed & slammed the door

What the fuck am I doing?

I went down to the kitchen & looked in the box Jc have his alcohol

I saw it was almost full so I took it up with me to my room & closed the door

I sat down on the bed & started to drink

Let's forget for tonight.

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I know. I know. It's crappy. Idek.

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