Chapter Three: Bailey Why Are You Here?

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Bailey Lowe above.

Bailey's POV

"What the hell is your sisters problem Bailey?" Lily seethed.

I simply shrugged, "I don't know Lily, you did call her that name and pull her down."

"Are you taking her side now Bailey, if it wasn't for me you would be a loser like Blake." Lily said angrily.

"No I'm not taking Blake's side, I'm sorry Lily." With that I headed off to class.
Niko dropped me off at home and said he couldn't stay. Blake and Ashton weren't home, but I saw another car in the driveway. I thought it was my dads. My dad and I never had a relationship like Blake and him did. When I walked in I saw my dad sitting on the couch. When he saw me he got up and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek, while I hugged him. I then headed to my room and decided to text Niko.

Bailey😉: Hey Niko, can I come over and hang
Niko😍😘: I'm not home right now
Bailey😉: Umm, okay. Where are you?
Niko😍😘: At a friends house
Bailey😉: Who's house?😒
Niko😍😘: Damien's, I gotta go. Love you❤️
Bailey😉: Love you too❤️😒
I decided to head over to Damien's house. When I got there I saw everyone's car. I saw Niko's, Ashton's, Damien's, Andre's and Veronica's. I thought that was weird. I got out of my car and walked up to the door. I knocked once and nobody answered. I knocked a second time and Blake opened the door. I looked down and saw a gun in her waistband.
"Oh my god!"
Blake's POV
The one thing I didn't expect to see was Bailey standing at the door. I also didn't expect her to look straight at my gun. She was frozen in fear. I knew I was screwed and my mom was going to kill me.

"Bailey, why are you here?" I said calmly I didn't want to scare her.

"Niko umm, he said he.... Can you...put your gun away? It's kinda scaring me." She spoke slowly, with fear in her eyes. I slowly got the gun out of my waistband and put it on the ground. I kept eye contact with her the whole time.

"Bailey, I'm gonna ask again. Why are you here? The gun is down and it won't hurt you, okay?" I walked towards her slowly.

"Niko said he was here at Damien's. I just wanted to hang out with him. Blake why do you have a gun? Does mom and dad know? They're going to kill you when they find out. Does this have to do with the blood that was on your shirt?" She kept spitting out question after question. It was kinda annoying, if you wanted honesty.

"Listen Bailey, just go home I'll explain this later. Okay?" I asked.

"No it's not okay Blake. I'm not going to leave. You have been hiding secrets for awhile now and I want answers. You come home at one in the morning with blood on your shirt. I ask what happened and you told F off. I show up at Damien's, you answer the door with a gun. I want answers Blake. Were sisters, twins Blake. Why can't you trust me?" She asked with a frown on her face.

"Come on we'll go home and talk there. Not here around people. Let me go and tell the guys." I then proceeded to text my dad about the situation, after telling the guys. My mom is going to kill me and my dad. Well he won't be happy either. When I walked back out Bailey was already waiting for me. I hopped in the car and we were off.

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