Chapter Four: Anniversary

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     When I walked in the house I expected my parents to be yelling at me, but they weren't. They both just sat on the couch and starred at Bailey and I. I thought they weren't going to yell. I spoke to soon.

     "Blake Leean Lowe, what in the world were you thinking? You knew we didn't want Bailey to find out about this and then you go and practically tell her. You promised me." my mom was pissed. She yelled at me and I saw Bailey flinch.

     "Mom, I didn't ask Bailey to show up at the house and see me with a gun. I didn't tell Bailey to stay up till one in the morning to see blood on me. In all reality it isn't my fault. Bailey is just really nosey." I responded shrugging.

     "Blake you think this is unimportant. It almost killed me when your father brought you into this world. Bailey wasn't supposed to know. She was going to get away from it, but you had to be so irresponsible." my mom yelled even louder if possible. Bailey looked scared and I even flinched.

     "Candice, it really isn't Blake's fault. We should have told both of them this along time ago, but now Bailey has to find out," my dad said hugging my mom, "I know your scared Bailey will get hurt but she won't. Blake will protect her. So will Niko and Ashton. They would never let anything happen to her."

     "I would like to actually know what's going on. I have no clue what you guys are fighting about." now Bailey decides to talk.

     "Well Bailey," my dad started, "when I was about your age I was in a gang. This gang was a pretty awesome gang." My mom threw him a look of annoyance before he started talking again." When we had you and Blake my gang was still going strong, but I had to take over my dads position as CEO. I was still in the gang until you guys were about fifteen. That's when I started training Blake. She was going to be the next leader. So, Blake is a leader of a gang. The most feared gang in New York to be exact. That was what we have all been hiding from you. We didn't do it to upset you honey, we just didn't want you to get hurt." my dad finishes.

     "How could you not tell me," Bailey said with tears in her eyes, "have you not realized Blake and I are twins. We look exactly alike. By not telling me you made it 10x more dangerous for me. What if somebody thought I was Blake? I wouldn't have been able to fight them off." By now tears were streaming down her and my moms eyes. " You guys just put me in more danger. Blake how could you not tell me. We tell each other everything. Wha else are you hiding from me? God, I hate you!" with that Bailey ran up the stairs leaving my mom, dad, and I speechless.

      Bailey hates me. She really hates me. The tears were now streaming down my face. My sister hates me. I went up stairs and heard her crying. It killed me inside. When I got to my room I changed into a pair of shorts and a sports bra. I walked downstairs to the workout room and plugged in my phone. With the music turned up as high as it would go I went to the punching bag. I started hitting and kicking as hard as I could. The skin around my knuckles broke, but I kept hitting. It hurt like hell. The tears wouldn't stop falling. I didn't notice when the music stopped. My dad walked over to me and picked me up. He carried me to the bathroom and cleaned off my hands. He then took me to my bedroom and laid me down. Then he walked out of the room.
     "Blake you better get your ass up right now before I get the water bucket." Veronica yelled at me.
     "Why, it's Saturday and it only 11am. Let me sleep please." I whined. I'm not a morning person. Well I am, but that's only on Christmas.

     "Today is you and Ashton's four year anniversary. Andrea and I am going to make you look perfect. My baby is growing up so fast." Veronica started to fake cry as Andrea went through to the closet throwing stuff left and right.

     "Andrea I just organized my closet, why are you destroying it?" I asked slightly mad. It took me a long time to straighten every thing up.

     "Well my dear best friend, you don't own a lot of dresses and skirts. I have been digging for a while now. I am determined to find you the perfect outfit for tonight. Ashton will be drooling." Andrea said smiling widely.

     "Okay, now go take a shower. Wash your hair, shave, do everything. We have at least seven hours to get you ready. You have to look perfect. Now go." Veronica basically rolled me out of bed. Since I had about seven hours I decided to take a long shower. I spent at least a hour and thirty minutes just showering. When I got out I put a robe on and walked back into my room. I was pushed into a chair and Veronica started on my hair while Andrea did my makeup . After what felt like forever they both finished. My hair was in loose curls. My makeup was simple, but still looked sexy. I had a light smokey eye, think winged eye liner, dark mascara, and a nude lipstick. Then came my outfit it was gorgeous. It was a dress I bought a few months ago, but haven't worn.  It was a nice burgundy color at the top and white at the bottom. It also had a black belt. Andrea paired it with a pair of brown healed booties. It looked amazing.

     "Wow. Guys you did awesome. I look like a completely different person." I really did. I looked fantastic.

    "Honey let me tell you, if I was into girls I would be all over you." Veronica was always  straightforward. She always said what was in her mind.

    "Well guys Ashton will be here any minu--" just as I was about to finish my sentence the doorbell rang. I quickly rushed to the door. Ashton looked amazing. He had on a white button up and black skinny jeans. His hair was messy and he looked hot. He just starred at me when I opened the door.  He finally cleared his throat and started to talk. "Blake you look amazing. Are you ready to go." 

     I shook my head yes and we headed to his car. When in there he held my hand. Every time I asked where we were going, he would say it was a surprise. I hated that. When we finally arrived, what I saw left me speechless. It was a gazebo decorated in lights. They were shining brightly and it was lovely. There was rose petals leading to the entrance. On on the gazebo there was a table with candles and two plates set out. It was absolutely breathtaking.

     "Ashton, how did you have time to do this. It is beautiful. Oh my god thank you. Thank you so much." I quickly ran over to him and engulfed him in a hug. I then gave him a kiss. He lead me over to the table and pulled out my chair. After I sat he went and got the food. We ate in a comfortable silence. After we were done we decided to just walk around.

     "Blake, I love you." Ashton said to me and quickly kissed me.

     "I love you too Ashton." I then kissed him. We walked around for awhile. There was a blanket laying on the ground and we laid down and looked at the stars. This had to be the best night ever. He gave me one last kiss and I fell asleep.

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