Shopping with the Girls

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Lucy: Hey Sue, let's go shopping!

Sue: Alright! Let's go!

Erza: I'm goin!

Juvia: Juvia wants to go to!

Lucy: Wendy, Levy, do you guys want to come to?

Wendy and Levy: Yea!

Lucy: Alright! Let's go!

Goes to the store~

Levy: Oooo this is cool!

Juvia: Sue-san? Will Gray-sama like this?

Sue: Yea! You look awesome!

Erza: Sue, try this on!

Sue: Sure! *Changes*

Lucy: You look AMAZING!!!

Erza: Let me tie the back for you.

Sue: Thanks!

Juvia: Sue-san! What size bra do you wear?

Sue: Hun? >\\\\<  I'm a .......

Erza: What? I can't believe it!!!

Lucy: Wow! We're the same size!!!

Levy and Wendy: - _ -  why....

Meanwhile~boys are hiding behind a cloths rack

Gray: Same size as Lucy? Damn! -////-

Elfman: SHE'S A MAN!!!

Gray: You know she's not a man, right?

Romeo: I feel I shouldn't be watching this. >\\\\<

Gajeel: Yo! Sue---
*Gets dragged down*

Gray and Elfman: What are you doin? You want her to beat your ass?

Gajeel: I forgot we were hiding!

*Natsu walks in*

Natsu: What the hell are you guys doin?

Gray and Elfman: Ssssshhhhhh

Natsu: *crouches down* You guys are stalking my sister?!

Gray, Gajeel, Elfman: No! Yes! I mean.....

Romeo: I just wanna say, it wasn't my idea!!!

Natsu: *Looks up* What is she...... °\\\\°


Sue: Nnnnnooooo!!!! Stop!! Erza!

Erza: Just wear it!!!

Sue: Nnnnooo!!!!

Boys: °\\\\°


Sue: Fine.......*puts on wedding dress*

Girls: Yay!!! Who's the groom?

Sue: No one!! >\\\\< I'm not getting married!!!


Natsu: Stop staring at my sister guys!!! °\\\\°

Boys: We weren't staring!
............Besides you were too!

Natsu: Was not!!!


Levy: Are you sure Sue? Your ALWAYS around Natsu!!!

Sue: >\\\\< He's my brother!!!

Levy: Not by blood!!!

Sue: Oh come on guys, stop!!!


Gray: Natsu, you weirdo! You and your sister, really?

Natsu: No!!! It's not like that!!! Stop!!!

*Runs off...........into wrong direction*
.....................Into changing room.........
......Sue and Lucy's changing room......

Lucy: (in underwear)..............

Natsu: I-i sorr--

Lucy: ..........

Sue: (also in underwear) Oh hey Natsu! What's up?

Natsu: >\\\\< He-hey Sue......

Lucy: Don't just stand there! Sue!!! Cover yourself!!!

Sue: Why would I?

Lucy: Because.........Natsu! Don't just stand their!!! GET OUT!!!

Natsu: ..........oh yea, ok.........

Boys: Did ya see anything??

Natsu: Really!!! That's what you wanna know?


Sue: Wait up!!! Natsu......where ya goin?

Lucy: Sue!!!!!! Wait! Put some cloths on first!!!

Boys: 0/////0 Holy crap!!!

Erza: Don't stare!!! *Punches them all*

Boys: I can die happy...... *Pass out*

Juvia: Gray-sama!!! Don't look at other girls!!!

Levy: Gajeel!

Erza: Romeo, you know better!!!

Sue: *Standing in the middle of a destroyed store* (Still in underwear) Hahaha!!!

*Grounds shakes* *Crowd of boy fans*

Crowd: Sue!!!

*Gets dragged away in the crowd*

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