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Whips of hair clung to her forehead,looking like if they etched in her skin.
Her lips moved up and down as if she were talking,but no words came out. Like a mute record player.

She couldn't hear,couldn't see. She was deprived of all senses.

Her eyes were shut closed,and would stay like for a while. Her eyes burned for the need to open and blink to refreshen the thin layer of water that engrossed her eyes.

A thousand whispers chanted,all in sync, tickling the air around her. Her deep,shallow breaths-painful breaths were ragged and thick.

She repeated,her voice hoarse,not even super hearing could define what she was saying. Blood stained her teeth and tounge,her lips like dry and cracked like the Sahara desert.

Her face was pale. Like fresh crisp newly fallen snow on trees,she was cold,thin,deprived.


Just so you may be advised,I created this in 2015 when I was young and practically knew nothing about grammar,or story plot. I also tried to make my character relatable,cool and funny. Horrible character development and she wasn't as developed at that time. I cringe when rereading it. This story needs to undergo major editing. Thank you for reading this book.

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