Chapter One: Home is where the heart is

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I lay in my bed when I hear someone calling me. "Madeline, time to get up we'll be late if you don't hurry." "Ok mom!" I reply. I get up anf put on my blue sleeveless shirt and black leggins and my white converse. I'm about to walk out of my room when Reese my little sister walks in. "Mads can I borrow your Wonderstruck purfume?" She ask me she sounds sweet unlike her normal monday morning aura.
"Yeah, Reese, here you go and also before I forget here is your gold earrings I 'borrowed' from you yesterday." "Thanks" she replied.
"MADELINE-REESE LET'S GO!!!" 'Comming!!!' We ironicly yell at the same time. I grab my white-cross body purse and we leave.

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