Chapter Three: Monday and the police station. This sucks!

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Reese and I stepped out of the small police car, and walked into the police station. In the parking lot I see my moms' white chevorlet and my dads' black cadallic. "What did you girls do this time?!?!" My dad ask obviously mad. "Nothing." Reese proclaims.

I don't know what I did so it won't be easy to explain things to my parents or the cops. Could my day get any worse.

A Selena Gomez song blares. "That's my phone." I say.

"Hey babe Leigha said someone pulled you out of Mr. Rallins class."
"I'm fine my mom needed me and my sister. Cory I'm gonna have to call you later someone is calling me. I love you and I'll call you later. Ok?"
"Ok. I love you too."

"Miss Madeline Willis can you come to the interrigation room plaese you're in room number 2." Said the blonde headed receptionist.

"Miss M. Willis I persume?" aksed the officer I assumedwould be the main person interrigating me. "Yes, sir." I told him in the nicest voice I could conjure up. "I'm going to ask you a few questions to varify your identiy then about the subject I'll bring up later." He told me.

Subject he'll bring up later. That means it's very important if he won't tell me now.

"Lets begin."

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