Authors Note

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I'm going to state this in this book because I have seen this a lot on the first book. This book is copywrited which means I can report books that are copying this one. The first book, I'm going to ask nicely for people not to copy my books because; even though I might not update a lot, I do work hard on these books. I just don't have a lot of time because I've started high school and I'm taking really hard classes where I have homework almost every night. I just don't want to report someone and get them in trouble for copying my book so just don't do it.
Also, like I said I'm a very busy person and don't have much time on my hands so I'm working as hard as I can on updates. I have to march in parades every weekend with JROTC and then I have homework because I'm in honors classes, so just go easy on me because I have problems at home like any normal person and I've been having a hard time dealing with that stuff too. So thank you guys for understanding. I'm going to try to update today and if not then tomorrow sometime.

A New Life (Sequel to Four's Sister) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now