Call Me Tonight

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It was a dull, gloomy Monday morning. I wiped the fog off my window. My head ached with pain.

After having some breakfast and getting dressed, I walked out the door and headed to school. But my head was still aching. And I knew exactly why.

Spending 2 hours of trying to figure out how to tell your parents that a boy from your English class just proposed to you. I mean don't get me wrong, my parents are magnanimous people, I just don't know how to tell them. And I don't know how they'll react.

"Okay class, we've finally finished Romeo and Juliet. We'll have a final test for the whole book on Thursday. I would suggest that all of you reread this book. Pay close attention to the vocabulary. And try to understand the main events," said Mrs. Ruth.

I felt Adam turn his head to look at me. But I didn't want to look back. I didn't want to give him false hope. But I guess I already did by accepting his proposal.

My head ached more. Mrs. Ruth handed out a piece of paper to all of us.

"Okay, for this assignment I will assign you with a partner. You and your partner will present the balcony scene. It is up to you on how you want to dress up, which lines you will say, and how the scene will appear. This play is worth 50% of your grade. So you better practice on your acting and presenting skills," she explained.

She started to announce the partner pairs. "Heather and Michael.... Shelina and Adam...."

Why am I not surprised.

I mean, we're right in front of Mrs.Ruth. It's obvious that she sensed something was going on between us.

The bell rang. I reached down to grab my bag. As I headed out the door, I heard a familiar voice behind me say, "Call me tonight, Juliet."

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