Banner by music_addict99 THANKS!!
Fuck it..." JOHN!! get them out of here... NOW!" I said not caring they could all see and hear what I was saying. John chuckled before saying "MA'AM YES MA'AM!" like a soldier and doing as told.Rushing to the changing room I switched my clothes and took out my contacts. Leaving me with my blue-grayish eyes I got from my mom.My dad had gray while my mom had both blue and gray. So I guess I ended up with both. Once I was done I peaked out the door to see if any of the kids from my school was still there. Seeing a few I had to put on yet another show. walking out I yelled back into the room "HURRY UP NERD! I DON'T HAVE ALL DAY" I pretended to listen for another voice before yelling again "OK!I'M LEAVING SO DON'T COME OUT TILL I GET BACK!" I finished closing the door I turned around to be met with eyes all ready looking at me.
Like...Lots and lots of eyes. Girls were looking at me in envy while guys were looking at me in lust.Even a the big six...
'wow these guys are stupid'
I thought to myself. I mean come.on! They have seen me look like this before! Seeing as I didn't wear glasses and contacts the whole time we were in my house.
'they have to know'
I thought to myself. "Who are you?" Queen bitch herself asked. I smirked "Angel" I said. Stacy looked shocked at first like the gears in her huge makeup caked face started to turn
'yeah, that right bitch you know who I am now!'.She took a step back an started to stumble over her words "I-I'm sorry I don't know I-I didn't me to snap". Dang I never seen here so scared. 'I should take advantage'
But I won't
I'm not that type of person . So I simply smiled and walked away. I don't have time for irrelevant people like her.Going to my side of the ring I waited for John to start. Right now I don't really care that some of my classmates where still here. It's not like they know it's me.
Waiting as a man that looks like he's in his mid-thirties gets in a fighting stance then waiting for the bell
It's finally time for me to go home. I have had such a long day! Like I said a few people from school stayed after and watched me fight. I wasn't worried that someone would recognize me.Walking out the box I see the big six leaning one the ally wall I just walked out of. They turned to look at me and I quickly grabbed the door before it shut and went through the front door. That was close... The last thing I need is to be cornered by the big six. Hope that never happens...
Walking into my house I walked straight upstairs and got in bed. Yup, no shower no taking off my sweaty clothes. I went and laid down till my head touched the pillow and I was out like a light
I woke up for school with 30 minutes to spare. Getting in the shower and dressing in my nerd attire I walked out of my house, down the elevator, and out the building to school.The walk to school seemed to be shorter then usual. Maybe it's because my mind was somewhere else. I wonder in the roomers about the big six being in a gang are true. I mean they are 'scary' enough to be.
Theres no reason to be thinking of them right now. All of them are stupid and irrelevant.
Mostly Jordan, I'm not gonna call him annoying I'm just gonna call him...
Yeah, slows the right word. He's the one that always seems to piss me off without reason.Don't you have the one person in your life thats like that? (A/N I know I do...poor Jordan) Now I can't blame it all on him... They all piss me off without a valid reason. Jordan is just... a little more irritating then the others.

Questions The Nerd Got Wrong... #Wattys2016
JugendliteraturCover by @daniella-lavonne ~~~~ "You're a nerd you should know the answer" he said inches away from my face "And what if I don't?" I answered crossing my arms over my chest. They took a step closer if that was even possible and said in a very h...