Why does stuff always happen to me?! Like what did I do in my life to deserve such bad luck. I sit up in bed making sure the sheets are still covering me.
"You got to be kidding me..." Alex looked up from the pillow and at me face which was probably covered in shock. Alex simply chuckled
"Is that going to be a problem" he spoke with his voice deep and husky laced with his Italian accent.
"N-no, n-not at all! Just a little... Shocked I guess" I stumbled over my words. Alex's eyes showed relief when he grabbed my hands in his.
"Good cause I don't think I wanna let you go anytime soon I-" Alex was cut off by the screeching sound of the alarm clock next to the dresser.'Oh shit! I have school!'
I jumped out of bed running to the shower.
'No time for modesty!'
Getting in the shower and taking the quickest shower known to man I rapped a big fluffy towel around me before rushing out the bathroom to the closet. I was almost there till a pair of arms rapped around my waste.
'Who the hell...'
I flipped who ever grabbed me over my shoulder before rushing to the closet. Pulling on the first set of clothes I seen-which didn't look like my nerd attire- I went out on my dull brown colored contacts, slapped on my fake glasses, and fake braces before I ran down stairs. It wasn't till then that I remembered I had company over.
Rushing back upstairs I seen Alex laying on the ground; moaning and groaning.
'That's who I flipped!'
I walked up held my hand out for him to take...
"Damn woman! You could have broke my back!"
Alex yelled. I mumbled a quick sorry before dragging him down stairs. I stopped for a slight moment to look and see if he was decent and he was fully dressed like he was ready to go...'Good'
"Sorry I have school! And I really need to be getting there so-" I grabbed the sharpie off the end table with my free hand; other still dragging Alex."-here's my number-" I grab his arm and start to write "-call if you want" I sit down the sharpie, grab my bag and shut the door. "Invery Blaze; lock door" I say and I hear the click of the door locking "How did you-" Alex starts when I raise my hand cutting him off "magic"
'Now off the prison I go! Ops I mean to hell! Ugh! I MEANT SCHOOL...off to school'
I got to school and everyone was looking at me more then usual... Ok then... I continue walking into the school when a screech sounds from behind me "BLAZING ROD!!" Someone yells'Wow I haven't heard that name since...'
My eyes widen and I turn around
(A/N was going to make it a cliffhanger but this would have made the chapter to short so.. Thank me later!)
"YETI!!" I yell looking at my best friend I haven't seen in so long. This is the cliché moment when we run in sow motion towards each other for a big hug. Only that didn't happen because people were around, but we are those weirdos. Instead we walked really fast towards each other before hugging each other. Yvette has gotten taller with more curve then she did a few years ago. Now she had that Australian tan and waist length hair.'Gosh I have missed her to much!'
"It's good to see you doing good girl!" She nodded towards my outfit. That was the first time I looked at my outfit since I left home. I was dressed in a white sleeveless crop top that said 'ANGEL' in big black letters and white short shorts. I shook my head
"No, I didn't mean to put this on today! I still dress like a bum but-" I told her "-you on the other hand-" I looked at her outfit "-are smoking hot now!"

Questions The Nerd Got Wrong... #Wattys2016
Teen FictionCover by @daniella-lavonne ~~~~ "You're a nerd you should know the answer" he said inches away from my face "And what if I don't?" I answered crossing my arms over my chest. They took a step closer if that was even possible and said in a very h...