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I couldn't believe what my eyes were allowing me to see, I glared at Celeste then looked over at Dean.

" When in the fuck were you going to tell me that you had a thing with her? " I spat, my words left a bad taste in my mouth as they passed.

Dean's face dropped instantly. " Please, can I atleast exp- "

I disregarded what he had to say and looked over at Celeste with vengeance in my eyes.

" So much for a friendship you were trying to salvage, and to think you were going to get a chance. No chance in hell! " I raised my voice with my fists clenched then began to walk away.

I got into my car and started it before allowing my anger to boil over, why do I care more about people than they care for me? It's tiresome and draining and I cannot bare it anymore.

I began to hit the steering wheel as the tears streamed down my face and my breathing hitched. I ran my fingers through my hair as I allowed my meltdown to turn into a mental breakdown, why me?

A slight vibration tore me out of my breakdown, I looked at my phone and read the caller ID.


I answered with a sniff and a roll of my eyes. " What do you want? "

" I want to talk Amber, I don't care what you say I'm coming out to the car and we're going to talk this out. I don't care if this takes months, I'm here.. and I always will be. "

I sighed and tried to let my thoughts pull themselves together. " Whatever, do what you want. " I finished then pressed the end button on the phone before throwing it at my side again.

Colby came out 15 minutes later, got into the passenger side and shut the door. I felt him staring at me but I decided not react to it.

He took a deep breath before he started what he was going to say. " Look Amber, I'm not the best man on earth and I'm not perfect. But I'm willing to apologize for everything that I've done to you in the past because it wasn't right and I wasn't in the right mind at the time. Making things right with you would make my life a whole lot better considering you are still evident in my life. "

I blinked then gazed out of the window. " Now you're finally apologizing? What about those nights where I sat in bed bawling my eyes out and wondering when you were going to come home? Those nights where I called my bestfriend and she never answered because she was sleeping with you! You finally apologize for all the emotional damage that you put me through and all the self worth issues that I have developed since I left? Well thanks for that much Colby, I'm not sure if I'm ready to accept such an apology. "

He sighed and moved a little in his seat. " That's fine, I'm willing to wait for a lifetime. I'm willing to prove to you that I'm not the man I was anymore. " He finished then gently grabbed my hand and ran his thumb against it.

Tears streamed down my face again as I let the quiet sobs escape my lips. This is all too stressful, I don't know if I can take anymore.

Colby pulled me onto his lap and wrapped his arms around me tightly, usually I would fight him off but I had no strength to do so. I was so broken and I needed someone to pick up the pieces and piece them back together again.

I felt a warm pair of lips on my forehead and that's all I remember before drifting off into a dreamless sleep.


Damn, it's been forever guys! Do I need to reintroduce myself? *Jay-Z voice*

Nah but seriously I cannot thank you guys for being so patient during my journey and getting me where I am today with Wattpad. I cannot thank you enough for the votes comments and messages because they're the little things in life that make me smile. ❤️ I love you all, you all are kings and queens and deserve nothing but the best in life. Enjoy!


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2016 ⏰

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