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"Toby! Come here boy!"The young boy called out as he walk around the woods with the small knife in his hand. The fourteen year old boy continues to call for his dog. Though, the boy should know that his dog, Toby, sometimes wonder off further to catch plump hares.

As the young boy wander more, he sees the familiar paw prints on the dirt. The young boy follow the paw prints, but instantly stop when he sees a young girl with blonde hair- blonde hair covered in a crimsons liquid. The girl's weep is audio to the boy's ears. He hesitantly walk closer to the weeping girl, gripping his blade, in case of anything.

"Are you okay?"He ask. The young girl gasp, standing up, facing the young boy. The boy's eyes widen in shock because the young girl clothes are torn and covered in blood, her neck shows bite marks, but what worried the young boy are those sharp fangs, blood dripping from those long sharp fangs. His eyes trail to floor where his dog lie dead. She killed his dog. He grip his blade ready to strife the young girl

"I'm sorry."She weeps. Falling to the floor, holding herself as she weeps."I'm sorry. I didn't mean to- I can't control myself. I-I couldn't stop myself." The teen boy pause- confuse on what to do. What should he do? Certainly more like what would Beca do? Clearly she would of killed the girl without remorse. But his heart ache a little because he can feel how truly sorry this girl feels,"Just kill me already."

With a shake of his head, clearing any conflict in this decision. It's not what would Beca do anymore, it's what he will do and what he's going to do is the exact opposite.

"No."He said.

"No?"The young girl voice squeak with confusion.

Jesse drops his blade and shook his head.No. I won't kill you." The young girl look down at the blade and back to the young boy. The young boy crouch down and place a hand on the young girl's shoulder,"Are you okay?" The young girl felt her tummy flip and it wasn't because she was hungry. She gulp and nod her head,"What happen to you?"

"I-I don't remember..." She whispers.

The two teens stare at each other intently. The young boy felt odd around this vampire. Yes vampire, the thing Beca and him are meant to kill, but he can't kill her- he knows she's different, he can feel it. He smile softly pulling out his hand.

"Hi my name is Jesse Swanson, what's yours?"He introduce himself like he would introduce to anyone. The vampire hesitantly shook his hand, cold hands mixing with warm.

"M-My name is Aubrey,"

"Aubrey is such a pretty name."Aubrey's cheeks tint a light shade of pink. She smile shyly"T-Thanks."Jesse open his mouth to say more to the young girl but shut it when he heard his sister call his name.

"Jesse!"He hears Beca shout,"You better not be dead or else I'll kick your dead ass!" Jesse sigh sadly because he knows he has to leave Aubrey.

"I have to go before she finds you. She doesn't take kindly to vampires."Aubrey nod, understanding fully,"Can meet here again? I'll like to be friends with you."

Aubrey couldn't believe what the young boy just said. He wants to be friends with her? How sweet this boy is- how could she decline this nice offer."I'll like that."She responded,"Meet me here tomorrow, same time. Oh! Make owls noises so I know you're here alone."

Jesse smile at the plan."Sounds good! See you tomorrow Aubrey." She watches as he left- sighing happily that she meet this young boy instead of someone else.


For four years, Jesse would secretly meet the vampire girl. No longer was she a young girl. She was rather a young woman, and no longer was Jesse a young boy. He was a young man.

The two friends became closer and soon enough Jesse has caught feelings for the vampire. Yes it may sound stupid to fall for a monster of the night, but Aubrey was no monster of the night. She was different, and Jesse likes different. Their secret meetings moved from late afternoons to midnight.

Their meetings soon were no longer just friendly meetings. It was more like secretly meeting your lover. The two fell in love even with the thought of Aubrey being one of them. No. She wasn't one of them, she was different. Jesse would always remind himself. Every night the two would forget their difference and just be lovers together. Tonight however, was different.

Jesse walk to their usual spot, making owls noise as usual. Soon after five of the 'whoos' Aubrey appeared in front of him. Jesse smile wrapping his arms around his lover. After the small hug, he press his lips on hers.

Though this time her lips taste salty. When he pull away he sees the tears in her eyes."Aubrey, what's wrong?"He ask concern. Instead of answering, she wrap her arms around him and sob on his chest. All the young man can do is hug his love, rubbing her back as she weep.

"We can't see each other anymore."She whisper as though she couldn't breathe.

Jesse eyes widen and his heart crumble,"Why not?"She pull away, wiping the tears.

"They're noticing my disappearing every night."Jesse brow furrow. He does not want to stop seeing her, she's the love of his life.

The fact that she's a vampire doesn't change a thing he feels about her- perhaps that's reason why he loves her. Aubrey is a vampire yet she's full of compassion. Jesse shook his head, keeping a stern expression.


"No. I won't stop seeing you."

"Jesse we can't do this no more- I don't want to hurt yo-"

"-You're hurting me by cutting off our meetings here."

He allow his eyes to be watery. He allow the hurt in his voice to be heard so he can show that he really is hurt. Aubrey press her lips on his, this kiss was nothing but love and compassion- the feeling was a blissful- blissful yet short because Aubrey pull back.

"Goodbye Jesse."She says with tears in her eyes.

"I hate goodbyes, How about see you later?"He smile sadly.

Aubrey shook her head,"No Jesse, it's Goodbye we won't see each other later."

He reach out to grab her but she was gone in a flash.

Every night he would stood alone for a hour or so, thinking that she would come back to him. But She never did come back to him.

Beca Mitchell: Vampire Hunter(Editing)Where stories live. Discover now