"Drink Up."

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Our footsteps seemed to be the only noise of what use to be my village... My home. But is nothing but ashes of the village people. My neighbors, my friends, my family.... Burn and dead.
All because of vampires. I made sure to keep my distance away from Beale.
I wish I could just kill her but I couldn't, my heart wouldn't allow me...

I walk up to the same path I use to avoid everyday- but no I need to see the damages of what the fire left. Walking up the small hill I stop in front of the burn down house, that is if you can call it a house. Everything is burn to the ground except the wooden floors. I slowly walk on the wooden floors.
The sound of them creaking...
Walking to the end I step but my foot went through. What the fuck?
I pull and push but my foot won't
Come out! I grunt and I felt Chloe pull me- I push her off,"Don't touch me!"
I screamed as I pull my foot. Huge mistake.... I fell through the wooden floor. Crashing through many cases of Wooden things into the deep hole.
I close my eyes as my body made contact with the cold stone floor.
"Beca! Are you alright?" I rolled my eyes. Like she even cares.
"Beca please answer me!"
"I'm alright!"I snapped,"Like you even care."I mumble that to mostly myself.
I stood up, wincing from the pain of the fall. Damn... I'm really unstoppable.

My surroundings is just pure darkness-
I hear Chloe scream and my heart stop.
I pull my arm out and caught the lying vampire."Beca..."She whisper. I place her down the ground.
"Don't think of it as something."
"It's dark."My voice echo- I'm guessing it's a underground cave of some sorts.
"I need a candle."I whisper and all of sudden this underground cave light up by various of candles place in different specific areas. My eyes narrows and I glared at Chloe."Is this another power of yours you didn't bother telling me?"
She shook her head,"This was not me. I'm not capable of that power."
I shook my head- why should I believe a liar? I look around the light up surroundings and realize there's sculptures of strange figures- and there's paper everywhere. I walk to a desk and scan the desk. I notice this large box that seem lock. I felt this strange urge to touch it. Curiosity filled my body and I allow it to control me. I grab the box and this glowing gold light flow out my hand onto the wooden box.

My eyes widen in surprise. What the fu- The wooden box open and the gold light faded away."Beca please tell you done that before." My moth gap because holy shit! Gold light flowed out of my hands. I shook my head,"What's in the box?" My attention back to the box. Inside the large wooden box is a bottle with green liquid with two shot glass? Is this some sort of cider?
Beside the bottle is a book. Book with black leather stitches. I glance at Chloe whose eyes are also as curious as my own. I lift the book, wiping the dust and spider webs off. My finger trace the spine of the book. I feel weird about this.... Slowly I open the book, the first page is written in Latin. Once again, fucking golden light flows out of my hand and surround the writing. Slowly the words turn to a language I understand.

Dear Beca Mitchell,

You are probably lost and and confuse on what is going on. More importantly, you're wondering who is writing this or how I know your name. But before I explain myself you must drink the green liquid. You and the redhead Chloe must drink one glass of this. You're even more confuse on how I know that Chloe is next to you. That is why you both need to drink the liquid.

Your real father

"My real father?!"I outburst. What the hell is that suppose to mean? Chloe reach over the glass bottle grabbing the two shot glass."What is that suppose to mean?" I'm so lost! What the hell is going on?
Chloe filled both shot glasses with the green liquid, passing one to me,"Want answers; Drink Up."

And down the green liquid go down our throats. I let out a noise of disgust and Chloe did the same. We looked at each, she open her mouth but no words came out just the sound of our screams of pain. I grab my head in pain, this horrible pain! Ugh dear god my head!
Everything seem to fade away before everything blacken....

Dun, dun, dun!!!! How was the chapter? :D comment your thoughts and stuff xD
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