Chapter 35

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Ross pov

I wake up to someone jumping on the bed. I hear a soft giggle and i know its anna. I pull her down and start tickling her and She giggles "daddy top!" She tried to say stop

"Nope" I say laughing

"Mommy! Elppp!" She screamed. Its so cute how she pronounces things and i hear dylan walking up the stairs

"Mommy isn't gonna help" I say continuing to tickle her.
"Stop harrassing my child" dylan said and giggles

"Nope" she said

Dylan grabbed anna from under me and anna giggled "haha daddy wose" she said trying to say lose

"Oh yea?" Pushes Dylan on the bed sitting on her and tickles her being careful of the baby bump. She starting giggling uncontrollably and anna watched us and giggles

Gets off of Dylan. "Are you guys hungry?" I ask

"I made breakfast" she said

"What did you make?" I ask

"Pancakes" she said

"YAY" I yelled and run downstairs

"Daddy u porgot me!" Anna said meaning forgot

Gets a plate of pancakes and gives it to Anna and Dylan and starts eating. "How did you sleep baby?"


*nods* "what about you Babygirl?" I asked Anna

"I happy!" She giggles from her highchair

I Laugh. "What do you guys wanna do today?"

"I no no" anna said and dylan giggled

I giggle at her and we go shopping for the baby

While we look through the baby clothes Anna starts running around. I pick her up before she hurts herself and she trys to get down for a bit then calms down after a while

"Should we go look for new car seats now or wait till later?" I ask

"We could look fir them alittle later i dont think we have any more room" dylan said since we pilled the cart full with binkys, bottles, blankets, books and clothes and 2 cribs

Chuckles. "Yea your right" i said

We go to pay and anna eats her lollypop hapily

"Wanna stop somewhere to eat before we go home?" I asked Dylan while we where driving

"We have alot of food at home" she said

"Ok" I say. I pull in the driveway and we bring everything inside. As soon as we came inside anna threw up and dylan follows her

I follow them to make sure Anna's ok. "Are you ok baby?"

She just kept throwing up and elena rubbed her back
"I think shes has a fever" dylan said

"Go downstairs and get the medicine. I'll stay with her" i said and dylan went to get medicane. Anna finished "i feel icky.." She said

"It's ok. I'll take you to your room and just take a nap" I say. I pick her up and bring her to her room and laying her in the bed. She held my finger
"No leave me daddy.." She said

"I won't" I say. I climb in the bed and wrap my arms around her. "It's ok. Daddy's got you"
She rest her head on my chest and drifted off to sleep

I look to see that she's asleep. I gently lay her down and go downstairs.
"Shes sleeping?" Dylan asks

"Yea" i said

"Thats good" dylan said rubbing her tummy

"Yea. Wanna watch a movie?" I ask

"Sure" she said already sitting on the couch. Wow so far 4 months and no fighting thats a first

*Smiles* "What movie do you wanna watch?"

"Conjuring" she said and i turned pail scared

"Ummmmm.....What about a different movie?" I said

"Are you scared?" She asked

" I didn't say that. I just heard people saying that it's not a good movie" I lied

"Okay u can choose" i can tell shes avoiding a fight

"Romeo and Juliet" I say excited

"Again" she chuckled

"Yea" i say

"Okay sure"

Dylans pov

These babies wont calm down. They non stop kicking all day. Look at my swollen stomach. Wow its huge and im only half way there

Ross was watching the movie until Anna came down with tears streaming down her face. "What's wrong baby girl?" he asked

"My head hurts.." She said crawling next to us. I held her head shes really running a fever
"We should take her to the doctor" i said

"Now?" He said holding annas tiny feet

"Tomorrow if she doesn't feel better" i say and anna stays with her head in my lap

"Ok" He says rubbing her back

Anna ended up falling asleep. I made sure her head didnt hit the baby bump. I started thinking about everything. How the new babys would look. 2 baby's and a toddler. If me and ross will have more kids. Everything

"What are you thinking about baby?" Ross asks

"How hard it will be to have a toddler and 2 babies" i say

"I'll be here to help. We'll get through it together like we did with Anna"

"Do u want any more kids after this?" I ask

"Of course. Why? Do you?"

"Ya.. Mabye 2 more" i say but we both know we will be having way more

"You could say that but we'll probably land up having more"

"Ya" i say and anna starts sleep talking. I giggle "she gets that from you" i say

"Hey! I don't sleep talk" I lied

"Yes u do" she giggles

*smiles* "want me to bring Anna up to her room?"

"Sure take her" i say

Dylans pov

Ross pick her up and take her to her bed. Ross then go back downstairs sitting on the couch next to me. "What do you wanna do?"

"Sit here and do nothing" she said. I said overly pregnant

"That's boring. I know what we could do"

"What?" I ask

He smirks and smashes his lips in mine and i kiss back

He gently lays me down so he's on top of me but watches out for the baby bump and i wrap my arms around his neck

He Licks my bottom lip for an entrance i give it to him and we start making out.

He Starts to grind on me but pulls away as the window shattered and everything in the house went black

He Starts to grind on me but pulls away as the window shattered and everything went black

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