Why ?

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Edwards POV

I don't know why I was feeling like this , but ever since we saw Bella and her daughters, well our daughters, I wanted to be with Bella, be with our daughters, I'm a sorry excuse for a man, I left the love of my life, almost let her die giving birth to the girls, and was never there for the past five years for all four of them, the thing that bothers me the most is I can't read any of there minds, it was frustrating, and how did Bella become a vampire, agh it was all so frustrating, but the only thing I need to do is think about how I'm gonna win Bellas heart...... again


Gennie POV

Ok, the only thing I needed was too think, why ? Did mommy hate that man and his family, why ? Are my sister's fighting, It was so frustrated, I sometimes hate being so little, or the littlest, I never get my opinion in anything, if only I had a daddy, I would probably hate him for leaving us, my sisters and mother, he left her to die practically, three immortal children, yeah thats right we only have a little part of human, so we grow fast and were full of venom, any way , good thing auntie Victoria abd grandpa Charlie were there for her, even the stupid werewolves left her, which is sad, I will hurt anybody who tries and mess with my family (FYI me and my sister's are 10× stonger than an average vampire)

Sorry if it's a little boring I'm kinda running out of ideas, but I promise I willmake the next chapter better

xoxox love Jiliana101

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