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Niall was disgruntled when he woke. His head was stuffy, he felt ready to throw up, and on top of it all, he was naked in an unfamiliar bed.

It took a few seconds, but finally he clicked. He was at Harry's house. He called his dad a stupid faggot. Harry had seen him naked.
Niall threw an arm over his eyes, letting loose a long sigh. He really fucked up.

Slowly Niall sat up, went through the routine of waiting for his head to stop spinning and whatnot, and slowly climbed out of bed, wrapping the blue couch blanket around him. He stumbled into the bathroom and retrieved Harry's red bathrobe from where he'd dropped it last night -or earlier this morning- and then made his way out to the living room where Harry sat sleepy-eyed on the couch talking on the phone.

"Yeah, but something's come up... I can't ma- ... Dru! Dru listen to me... Listen- ... Yes, I know it's important and that's why I wouldn't cancel if I didn't absolutely have to... You go see the building by yourself... Take pictures... I'm sorry!... Okay, damn... Alright... Yeah... Cool." Harry sighed, dropping his phone into his lap, and leaning his head against the back of the couch.

"I'm sorry." Niall mumbled from the doorway, causing Harry to jump.

"Oh, good morning Sleeping Beauty." Harry smiled his dimpled smile, "I was beginning to think I'd have to kiss you to wake you up."

Niall pulled a face, "You're not my true love."

"Have you not seen Maleficent? I don't have to be your true love, I just have to love you. Which I do."

Niall mimed making himself sick, "It's too early for you to be saying corny stuff like that."

Harry laughed, "It's almost three o'clock in the afternoon."

"What?" Niall's eyes widened, and he suppressed a wince at a particularly painful pang in his stomach.

"You've been asleep for almost twelve hours."

Niall blinked at him, trying to process the information. He can't have slept that long, he really wasn't that tired. Was he?

"Anyway, what did you want for breakfast?" Harry asked, standing from the couch.

"Nothing." Niall replied. "What did you just cancel on the phone?"

"A building viewing with Dru."


"Because you're here."

Niall rolled his eyes, "I'm not a baby, I can look after myself for a few hours."

"I know, but you're so short you might not be able to reach something up high in the pantry and starve to death." Harry smiled softly, using banter to stop Niall from getting worked up.

"I'm not short! I'll be taller than you some day."

"Right, well then you had better have some breakfast, because you'll never grow if you don't eat."

"I'm not hungry."

Harry eyed him skeptically, but didn't pursue, deciding it was best to just let it be for now. "Do you want to talk to Dad?"

Niall shook his head. "Where are my clothes?"



Harry sighed, and Niall felt a little bad, he wasn't quite sure where this bitter attitude was coming from, but he couldn't stop. It was like his own little form of self-defence. He didn't want Harry to know he was a mess, so he was guarding himself.

Lean On Me ~Zouis FamilyWhere stories live. Discover now