Chapter 1

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When I walk out of the doors of Graybare University, after receiving my diploma, it'll finally dawn on me that I have no one to go home to. Mom and Dad died six Octobers ago when some idiotic drunk teen decided to get into his car on Halloween night. The only one left was my little sister, Casey. Nine years old, living with our cousin, Kirsten, in Portland, about four hours away from me.

Despite my current position as "graduate-in-waiting", job applications piled up on my kitchen table, much to my roommate's dismay. All of them included titles such as "Female Assistant Wanted" or "Full-Time Female Assistant Needed". All of them seemed sketchy, except for one for a lawyer. His office is about a half hour from my apartment. I could go speak to him tomorrow. 

"You're already at this? Claire, it's October; graduation is months away." I looked up to see both of my roommates, Carly and Jules, standing in front of me.

"I have to bring in money. And my job at the bakery doesn't pay well enough to help with the rent." I sighed, taking my glasses off and rubbing my eyes.

"C'mon, come out for drinks with us." Jules pushed my papers aside.

"I can't, I'm going to see about this job tomorrow," I said and shook my head.

"You haven't had drinks with us in forever, Claire. We'll be home at a decent hour, I promise," Carly reassured me.

"Fine, but I don't want either of you going home with random guys." I joked as I got up and, before I knew it, was dragged into my room to be given a "Carly and Jules" makeover.

"I don't need any more blush. My cheeks are red enough as it is!" I argued, as Jules tried to convince me to let her put more crap on my face as we neared the bar.

"But, Claire, you look a little-"

"She looks good! The boys will be all over her!" Carly turned around from the front seat. We'd called an Über, and she had opted for the dreaded passenger seat.

"She does look good. That's all our work." Jules smirked and nudged me with her elbow.

"If I'm half-asleep during my interview tomorrow, I'll kill both of you," I said, only half joking as I laughed at my two best friends.

The car pulled up outside of the local bar, Stuffy's, and we piled out, thanking the driver for his services and asking him to pick us up in a few hours.

"You said we'd be home at a reasonable time," I spoke loudly to Carly as we walked into Stuffy's.

"And we will. Just after we all get plastered and can't see straight." Carly laughed and walked up to the bar, before coming back with three shots and we all took them together.

"I don't get plastered!" I argued, but after a few moments, and the small shot of liquid courage, I realized, I could get drunk tonight. "Okay, maybe a little."

"There's our girl!"

"She's back!" 

I laughed at their comments and, with a beer in hand, did a "cheers" gesture.


The morning after, I woke up with the worst headache I've ever experienced.

"Claire, are you feeling as shitty as I am?" Jules waltzed into my room, only in her boy short underwear and a tank top, resting her head in her hand.

"Yes, sadly." I groaned, sitting up. I looked at the alarm clock. 8:48. "Shit! I have to meet that lawyer!" I jumped out of bed, threw on a green dress, a denim jacket, and a pair of dark grey knee socks, with dark green ankle boots.

"You're moving too fast for meeeee!" Jules whined, laying down on my bed.

"I can't be late to this, Jules, it probably pays super well." I attempted to rekindle my waves from last night, wiped the smudged liner from under my eyes, and tried to make myself look less dead.

"You look beautiful, Clairebear!" Carly called, as I poured myself coffee into a travel mug and grabbed my bag.

"You do too." I giggled at her appearance, which was very similar to Jules'.

"You'll definitely ace that test with doctor."

"Thanks, Carly." I laughed again, kissed her cheek, and left. I ran down to the front, and found my car. It was an old, beat up Honda from 1992, but it ran good enough for me.

The thirty minute drive was extensive, and the misty, Washington weather was bearable today. Eventually, I pulled up to a giant, slate colored house with a black, iron gate. It opened automatically, which was odd to say the least, but the security man that waved me through seemed nice enough. Maybe there have been other potential applicants that have been passing through.

"You'll have to leave the car down here, Miss. Mr. Fox's orders." The security guard told me, as I pulled up next to him. I told him it was no problem, left my car at the front gate, and began my walk.

"Wow.. The lawyers got it good." I mumbled to myself as I made my way up the driveway, looking around, and clutching my résumé in my hands. I stepped up to the grand front door and knocked softly. A middle aged woman in a grey maid's uniform answered the door with a small smile.

"May I help you?" She said, looking down at me.

"Um..I'm Claire. I'm here to answer the ad for a personal assistant?" I said, more like a question than a statement.

"Of course. Right this way." She let me in and I followed her to a long hallway. "Let me take your coat." I handed her my jacket. "Mr. Fox will see you now." She gestured for me to go down the hallway.

"Where do I..." I looked at her.

"The black door, straight ahead." She reassured me, making the same gesture again. I nodded, straightened myself out, and walked down the long hallway, stopping at the door. "You could just go in."

I exhaled, pushing the door open and glancing around, before I saw a man sitting behind a large, dark wooden desk.

"Mr. Fox?"

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Oct 07, 2015 ⏰

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