Chapter 2

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The yellow school bus slowly crept its way into the bus loading zone. The closer we got the better I could see our sad excuse of a school. The walls bleed a deep blue color while the dirty windows screamed out to be clean. The pouring rain ran off the tops of the school creating a cascading waterfall effect around the perimeter. The bus jerked to a stop.The kids scrambled off the bus, the jocks charging their way to the front mowing over any child who was not quick enough to escape the area. I continued to sit in my seat. My urgency to get off this foul smelling bus and into the god-forsaken brick building was very minimal. I sat for what seemed to be hours watching the sorrow filled rain drip down the bus window until the bus cleared. I slowly stepped one foot in front of the other making my down the stairs and onto the rain soaked sidewalk. The air outside the bus nipped at my exposed fingertips and neck. I made a mental note to bring my checkered scarf next time as I continued to my final destination.

I made it into my English classroom with seconds to spare. My English teacher; a husky white man with thinning hair to match his stern expression walked up to the front of the freezing classroom. "Ok class" he yelled even though no one was saying anything. "This is your semster final." He continued " What you have to do is simple really". He scratched his beard and waled across the classroom to build up the suspense. "You all have to write a tutorial on one thing that you don't know how to do. You will pick something, become an expert on the topic and then teach it to the class." That last sentence earned a groan from the students. "This assignment will be due IN exactally one week, so do not procrastinate" were his final words that I bothered to pay attention to.He droned on, saying words that were not and would never be important to me. I glanced over at the wall. Pictures and posters of new book series and of those "old classics" lined his walls. "Ughh! Typical English teacher", I mumbled before letting gravity take over and carry my head to the plastic desk. I closed my eyes and let my brain dwell on today. What's gonna happen if he rejects me? Did I really think I had a chance? What if our relationship doesn't work? These were all questions that were taxing my heavily at the moment. Minutes into my mock nap I feel a tap on my shoulder. I don't bother to look up because I know exactly who it is. Her name is Erin. With her blue hair and vibrant as her personality, she starts to speak words. "Hey Nathan how are you? How was your weekend? My weekend was great thanks for asking! So anyways me and my boyfriend broke up, but that's okay cuz he ain't even handle a piece of ass like this! We-" I had yet to answer a single question of this child's, yet she continued to talk for reasons that would stay unknown to me. I sat up and stared her in the eye before replying "before you say anything just know that I don't care." She stared at me with a blank expression on her face. Her features contoured into those of confusion before back to those of happiness. "OMG Nathan you always know how to make me laugh!" Erin gave me a slap on the back and continued to giggle. I could only sigh before I set my head back on the desk and started counting the seconds until I could bolt outta this classroom. The rest of this period passed uneventfully and before I knew it the bell had rung and we were being dismissed.

 I met up with my friend Francis outside in the hallway to my next class. Me and her threw back long ago, but I stopped counting the days. Me and her were officially unofficial husband and wife. We told each other everything and laughed at people behind their backs for their bad sense of fashion. "Hey!" She approached me in the hall. I raised my eyebrows and gave a faint smile. She came closer and we embraced each other. That came like first nature. We unlocked arms and she grabbed hold of my shoulders. "Boy get it together!" She scream whispered as to not disrupt anyone else hall conversations. I chuckled slightly before replying "you don't understand! Love is hard! I'm like a fragile-" she cut me off before another word could come from my mouth. "TBH you're being a pussy right now!" I fake gasped at her and wiped the non-existent tears from my eyes. A group of hetero boys walked by and mumbled something to each other. It probably involved the word "fa**ot" and had something to do with there underlying need to suck dick...or something along those lines. I really don't know what heterosexuals think. They are overly complicated. Francis gave me a friendly but meaningful slap across the face and said something along the lines of "blah blah blah so help you blah blah blah... Scott....blah blah crying." I didn't catch it all but I think she was referring to me crying on her all day after being rejected and then me hiding away in a closet for the remainder of my life. I don't know. I was busy staring at this one guys butt,I'll admit it, but I bet that bish didn't say anything that I didn't already know, so I shook my head in the yes direction and i earned a smile so I must have been doing something right. She pat my shoulder before screaming a "bye bby!!" Through the halls and leaving me with my head hanging down to scamper off to class in order to flee the embarrassment. 

I entered the all but exciting Physics classroom. The only room in the whole school that children could come to have their souls eaten and have a mental stroke all at the same time. I dragged my body to my desk. I wasn't feeling the whole Let's learn thing today. My emotions were running high and it did me no good to see that Scott had just walked in the room! I kept my head down trying to hide from his piercing blue eyes. He passed without confrontation. I glanced up and over at him. I looked him over. He was in khaki cargo shorts and a multi blue colored shirt with rainbow triangles on it. I never understood the sex appeal in cargo shorts, but oh well. As long as I don't have to wear them then who am I to complain,right? I was glancing him over and he turned, locking his eyes with mine. I tried to break the connection, but the skin tight grip he had on my was brain scrambling. I couldn't move...I couldn't breath!! I'm dying! He's melting me from the inside out!! I try to scream but theirs no one here! He is piercing me with daggers but without touching me. I' m bleeding! I cant escape. Scratch that. that because there is not escape! I blink and I'm back sitting at my boring old desk in this boring old classroom and my anti-climactic life. I glance up again to see Scott waving at me. I wave back. He continues to wave and I turn because I slowly realized that he was not waving at me, but at this girl named Merchini. Merchini bounds around the classroom and takes a seat by him. They start to talk about weekend plans and some other stuff that I wasn't part of. I take my waving hand and use it to make it look like a fan. I thought I played it smooth before my friend Brink walks over and whispers "smooth move hoe" I smile and give her the finger. She flicks her red hair around and walks over to her desk which is diagonal to mine. We talk shit and complain about our science fair projects but when class starts we are silent again. We studied some shit having to do with...cells??? I didn't pay attention. There was too much at stake today. The class ended and I started to pack my book bag when the physics teacher asked me to stay behind. This earned a number of "oohs" through the classroom. As the students filled out, I approached her desk. She held up a packet of papers. Upon closer inspection they appeared to be my science fair research paper with a lot of red markings all over the paper. The evil witch holding my paper spoke. "Do you know why you're here?" Bitch stop fuckin around or imma end you. "No." I replied keeping my answer short and sweet. "Okay" she said "well do you know what papers these are?" Oh course I do bitch! Those are the papers that I stayed up until 4 in the morning to write! "That is my science fair research paper" I replied dumbfounded. "Ah Ah Ah!" she replied. This phrase generally geared her up for some ridiculous pun or humorless joke that only she would find funny. "This is actually your English paper!" She madly laughed at her own joke. I was growing tired of her bullshit with every passing moment. I said nothing. "This paper is closer to an English Essay than a Science Fair Research paper, so it is going to have to be redone before I can give you any credit for it." Bitch! Hows about you square up and fucking fight me right now!! I'll show a research paper just by using the back of this palm! "That is understandable. Thank you for the feedback" I said and snatched that fucking paper out of her hands so quickly she didn't realize it was gone until I was half-way out the door. To health class I begin my rein of sorrow and depression!

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