Slaughter Of Innocence

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Eliana's POV

Footsteps outside my door, question my mind to what was going on outside the halls. Talia and Lydia step into the hallway, seeing some guards, ladies, and even servant walking down the stairs to the Throne Room.

"What's happening?" Lydia asks a small boy.

"I'm frightened. I don't want to go!"

"Is the king angry again?" She says.

"What's going on?" I asked Talia.

"Is the castle under attack?"

"The king has summoned everyone to the courtyard. Urgently." Talia whispers to me.

Sneaking past the men, we see Catherine waiting for something.

"What's this about?" I ask her.

"I don't know, but I fear the worst." She says.

"One or more of you here, my friends, my family... my subjects... tried to kill me. I have taken steps. You have seen my new men, modeled after the Praetorian Guard of the Roman Emperors; loyal only to me. But I knew more needed to be done. The guilty revealed. And this night... in a dream... God told me how. My oath to him..." Henry announces, as he steps into the Throne.

"This sword... will not be sheathed till it has taken a life. As the sun rises, this sword will cast a shadow. When that shadow touches the guilty... I'll know. Not now. Give them time to tell their sins and due penance. Let their souls be wiped clean. God likes that best. Everyone wants to confess." He adds.

The crowd cheers for him, as he continues.

"Who here... made their confession yesterday?"

"I did. Travers, my lord. Secretary to Lord Bellamy." I man yells.

"Did you fornicate last night? Or take the Lord's name in vain?"

"Of course not, my lord. We should all be as ready as you." The man says.

"Be off. Don your finest clothing. The celebrations of our victory at Calais will reach their peak."

Leaving the meeting, everyone whispers amongst each other.

"Clean that. I was wrong. He is lost." Francis whispers to me.

"All the time I was growing up, I saw him as the greatest man in France."

"I'm sorry, Francis. It's too late for assassination; we'd never get near him." I say.

"He must be removed from the throne by a superior force. A coup?" Catherine adds.

"It's deadly for us if we lose and dangerous if we win. A coup puts power in the hands of the military."

"We have no choice. But how?" I asked.

"What can I offer the generals to back me, rather than Father? I can give them no more reward than he. Some generals were dismissed before Calais." He says.

"Surely, they feel betrayed by their king. And each one of them is a noble with a territory and men of their own to command."

"It could work. But if we win, if we seize power... what happens to your father?" Catherine says.

"He will be imprisoned, see the finest doctors, and in time either he will regain his senses or he will die a natural death, but... he can never be king again. His time will be over... and you will rule beside me." He says.


"Well! Two happy couples on a happy day, hmm?" Greer asked.

"Eliana, aren't you coming to see the joust and the naval spectacle?"

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