Chapter 4 -Mitch's POV-

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I sat waiting for the other cable car coming up this way. Hopefully, Little Sky comes. Yea. Little Sky. She is one of the most beautiful girls I've met.. Her long dark brown hair, and her dark green eyes. Sky's hair always laid upon her shoulders, and her green forest colored eyes lit up every time I see her. I suddenly hear pounding on the entrance to the cable car door. I headed over and see Little Sky, she pointed towards the button that opened the door. I pressed it and Lachlan and her came out.

"Thanks Mitchell.." She smiled. I looked down at her, then patted her head.

"Yea, yea... Your welcome Little Sky." Her nickname felt very soft, from her strong personality. But I like the nickname. It suits her.

"So will we head to the lodge?" Lachlan asked. I looked at him, his blonde hair fluffed and slick like normal. Don't get how that works though.

"Yea, let's go." I said as we started walking. Little Sky came up by my side as Lachlan went up ahead.

"So... How are you? I haven't seen you, other then your videos like v-logs." She nudged me softly. Well, on my other channel I just made v-logs and that was it.

"Well.. I've been good. How about you? How's writing and stuff?" I asked her. She looked up at me and smiled.

"It's been ok. Busy most of the time with Family." She shrugged her shoulders. I understand, I have tons of family matters.. Like I need to talk to my mom after this trip. She says she is wanting the family to get together like we always do every year.

"Yea.. Are you ok? I know you lost your... Be-" She cut me off with an uncomfortable voice.

"Yea, can we not talk about it..." She sighed. I looked away from her. Shouldn't had said anything Mitch.

"Sorry..." I softly say. She grabbed a hold of my hand. It was warm compared to my icy ones.

"It's fine." She says as we found our way up to the lodge. Jason was sitting on the front porch, with his head down. He was playing on his phone, with headphones in.

"Hey Jason." Lachlan says. Jason didn't really hear him. He had his headphones high in volume. He was always buried in his phone, sometimes I question his ways.

"Hey Jason!" I yell louder. Jason took out his headphone and looked up at me. He slightly smiled at our presence.

"Hey Mitch, Lachlan, and Sky." He said with a soft voice.

"Hey Jason." All of us said at the same time. Then we all look at each other and giggle to ourselves.

"Well I'm wanting to go get a fire ready." Sky says the walks towards the door. Jason stops her, gripping onto her wrist.

"You can't the lock is frozen shut." Jason says as he let go of her. She looked at Jason then sighed.

"Well shit.." She cursed under her breath. Jason slightly chuckled then Lachlan took a step forward.

"Why don't me and Mitch go look for a way to unlock the door." Lachlan said, I glared at him and nodded.

"The faster we are the more we are likely to not freeze our asses off." I responded. I remember there being an old tool shed up here, there's gotta be something in there.

"Alright let's get going, don't want our Little Sky getting her buns cold." Lachlan mocked my voice. I rolled my eyes and we headed up to the tool shed.

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