Chapter 13 -Jerome's POV-

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I was just sitting on the edge of the Mountain. Nothing really special, just looking down at the view.

"Hey can I sit by you?" I suddenly hear Jason say. I looked up at him, and nodded with a smile. He then sat down in the snow, and sighed.

"You know, It's nice to have everyone up here again." Jason sighed. I looked at his pale face as a smile formed.

"Yea it's nice..." I sigh then looked away from him.

"So... About You and Sky. Do you like her...?" Jason suddenly asks. I looked at him confused.

"No.." I rolled my eyes. He raised his eyebrow.

"No? I am pretty sure some of us straight guys would like to put some moves on her." He suddenly says. My eyes widen.

"She has Mitch to fucking put moves on her. Besides... I don't like her. I wouldn't put moves on her." I said. Yet again, lying about Sky is too much. She is very pretty, and I liked her before Mitch ever did. I never told him, but never take a bros girl. I thought about it.

"You get jealous around Mitch because she's taking him away from you, you like him? Do I hear Merome?" Jason asks. I say that so then Mitch and everyone else doesn't think I like her? I thought then frowned at him.

"No, you don't." I glared at him. Jason raised his eyebrow. His gaze felt burning on me. He is suspicious.

"Then... What's with the grumpy face?" Jason then asked.

"Ok, fine. Since none of them are here.... I like Sky ok? She's nice and beautiful. Mitch is so lucky he can actually pull off the looks, and how he nice he acts." I sighed, the thought of them ran through my head. Jason nudged me softly,

"Ok, that wasn't so hard to say.. But one thing." Jason adds. I raised my eyebrow while staring at him.


"Want to help me prank the others?" Jason asks. I smiled and nodded. He got up then held out his hand to me. I took it and got up.

"I've got it all down, come with me." He started to wall back to the cabin. I followed him down the trail. He got way head of me. I wonder what prank it is...? I thought to me self. Till I heard his scream, my eyes widen as I ran down the trail seeing nothing.

"JASON?!" I yelled before having an intense pain in the back if my head, and blackness that covered my vision.

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