Idiot Alex

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          At that moment I heard the door slowly creek open. I stood there not knowing what the hell to do. I looked around frantically trying to find a place to hide but it was too late.
      "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!" .Someone behind me said. I  stood in shock not moving a muscle as if I would turn invisible. I took a deep breath and slowly turned around and was face to face with a boy looking at me confused and shocked . He looked around 17 ,my age. With the blondest hair I have ever seen ,practically white, he had it in a messy style that suited him quite well and he had these nice light blue eyes that went with his pale skin.He was wearing with dark blue hoodie and these jeans and some sneakers . He was cute looking but I knew anyone who looked like that must be someone from the ice part of the border. And our people do NOT get along well.He looked me up and down as we looked like complete opposite.
     "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE?!" He demanded and then he saw my gash in my side.
      "Oh shit!" He said looking shocked that he didn't notice before.
       "Damn that looks serious! You ok?!" I nod even thought I clearly wasn't. I sigh and and grab my things and head to the door hoping to end the conversation.
         "HEY! You shouldn't go! Iam sorry for yelling at you but you can't go like that. Come on let me help you!" I sighed more frustrated at the fact that he was right but I couldn't put my jealously of the ice people aside. I shook my head and slowly reached for the door knob and then stopped.i suddenly felt cold and weak and everything faded into black.  
        I woke up in a a big bed with the bed sheets stained in my blood. I sat up and flinched in pain and looked under the covers  and lifted my jacket enough to see that my side had been stitched and bandaged. I looked around and saw that I was in a bed room with a big window with the sun shining through on the right  with nice white draping curtains , and a door on the left. I sat up fully and the boy walked into my room.
          "Morning. Or afternoon ,I thought you were dead to be honest" he laughed a little then smiled.
          "Am kidding."he said as he tossed my book-bag on the foot of the bed. He looked at me like he expected an answer  and I just stared back.
           "Well? Who are you? And what were you doing in my house?" He said while pulling up a chair and sitting down right next to me by the side of my bed. I just didn't say anything and just stared blankly at him.
           "You don't talk much do you? Well my name is Alexander. Alexander Winter .But they call me Alex . " he said with a smile proudly.
          "Am from the ice side or the border as you probably guessed from the eyes ,hair and name." He rolled his eyes.
           "Ya I know right my parents are so original with names" he said sarcastically stretching out the 'so' longer that usual.
          "And you are?" I just didn't respond and he looked back at me little frustrated.
           "Do you speak English?" I nodded.
            "Well then? What's your name?" I sighed knowing there's no way out of this.
             "Heatori.Heatori fangs" he looked at me a little shocked and leaned a little forward with a slight nervous laugh. He crossed his arms.
           "Fangs? That's a common vampire name." He raised his eye brows a little and looked at me.
         "You wouldn't be a vampire by any chance....would you?"
        "Ya why?" I said a little annoyed at the question. He rolled his eyes and sat back in his chair.
         "Let me see"Alex said. I opened my mouth and he saw my fangs.He scoffed at the sight of them and then he laughed a little.
         "Tch. I can't believe I just helped a vampire."
          "Hey! I didn't ask for your help!" I said sternly as I looked at him annoyed.'great. He's one of THESE people!' I thought
          "And to think I thought you were cute. I would never date one of your kind." He said looking away.
         "Tch. Even if I WAS your kind I wouldn't go out with you." I responded.He looked at me shocked and raised an eyebrow.
         "For someone who doesn't talk much you sure do have a big ass mouth Heatori. But hell what do you expect from a vampire!"
          "What the hell happened to the nice guy who helped me?!. I don't have to deal with this shit."
          "Then leave. Bye! And that 'nice guy' is only around to humans and ice" He got up and turned to leave.
        "I'll just leave then!" I said.i tried standing but I could barely even walk with the pain.i slowly sat back down and held my side. He looked over his shoulder and stopped.
             "I guess your my problem till your healed." He said looking at me annoyed.
             "Am not afraid of your kind. Hope you know that. Your nothing but a oversize bat." I looked at him shocked that he said that. I hissed at him and he jumped back a little
         "Not scared?"I said smirking. My stomach growled then I remembered that I haven't eaten anything for the last 2 days.
       "Hungry? Don't you even THINK about drinking my blood! It's not going to happen!" He shouted ,I rolled my eyes.
      "So that's what the government has you others to believe." I laid down and stared at the ceiling.
      "We don't just drink blood you know. We eat other things ,like the humans and you. We just PREFER blood thats all. But no. I won't drink your blood.That's so stereotypical and racist of you to think that." I said rolling my eyes.
        "Well sorry. That's what we were told to believe."Alex crossed his arms then and looked at me mad and shifted his balance on one foot.
       "Why were you in my house?! Were you trying to steal something?!"
       "No. I was hurt and I needed to run away from something. That's it. Hell I didn't even know this was across the ice boarder. Anyway. Iam starving. Do you have any food or what?." Alex looked as if he was deciding wither or not to believe my story then sighed.
        "I'll go get you something. You want anything in particular?"
        "Some raw meat would be nice." I said smirking at him hoping that it would freak him out. But he just rolled his eyes.
       "Am kidding. Anything. Iam starving." I said trying to be as polite as possible after all that has happened.
       "Ok. Fine I'll go make you some soup or something." He left the room and quickly came back with a steaming bowel of soup. He placed it in my hands and I started eating while he sat there and watched. I looked up at him a little weirded out by it and realized that I was probably eating like a slob. I calmed down a little and then sighed.
        "Thanks for helping me you idiot" I kept eating  and he slightly smiled.
        "Never heard a vampire say thank you. I am sorry for what I said,I shouldn't judge before meeting someone....So are the rumors true?" Alex leaned forward as he was about to hear a secret.
     "What rumors?" I said as I finished and set the plate down on the wooden nightstand next to me.
       "You know...That you guys horrible and it's bad there where you live"
       "It's bad but its a living I guess. Stealing and fighting to live ,that's how it's works. And were not horrible. Your just being racist"he looked at me closer like a kid peering through a you store looking at the toys.
      "Sorry but....can you please take off the hood? I can't really tell what the hell you look like ,it's annoying" I looked at him like 'really?' But I did take of my hood with my dark hair falling over my shoulders and the moment I did he leaned forward to close that our noses were almost touching. He looked directly into my eyes as if he was trying to see my soul. I tried not to look into his to not make it more awkward than it already was. But he just kept staring. I shoved him off making him stumble backwards.
       "Get off me you idot!" I shouted as he fell.He  looked at me confused and as I put my hoodie back on.
        "Your eyes have a red tint. I thought only fire people have those." He got up and brushed himself off.
       "Bitch" he muttered as he glared at me. And I just glared back and then looked around.
       "You seem to have money." I said with a slightly annoyed tone.
        "Ya it's called having a job" he sat at the edge of the bed and pulled out his phone and I stared at it and I guess he noticed. He glanced up at me.
         "What is it?" He said glancing back at his phone.
          "Nothing" I said but I have never really seen one like that. All tech and with a bright touch screen. Mine was a stolen old black flip phone. We're not rich to seeing one around home was rare. My first instinct was to take it and run but I didn't want him to think that am a bad person so I just waited and watched as he responded to a text.
         "Anyway...." Alex said as he put his phone back in his hoodie pocket.
         "I have never really met a vampire can you like die from being stabbed in the heart?" He said
      "Ya duh. Who the hell wouldn't that kill?" I said And he sighed at the sound at how dumb the question must have sounded.
    "Can you be in the sun?"
     "Yes but not for long. It burns after like an hour." I said as his eyes widened with shock.
     "So you don't sparkle?" I laughed.
    "Where the hell did you get that idea?!" I said with a vary faint slight smile. As he blushed from embarrassment.
     "Just a dumb movie movie. Don't worry about it" Alex thought of the next question.    
     "Do you really have black leather wings?" He said curiously.
     "Yes. But I am not going to show you" I said firmly
    "Aw what?! Why not!" He looked at me furrowing his brows a little.
    "Cause it's been a long day. And I just want some sleep" he looked at me disappointed and got up. 
        "You can take the bed I'll sleep on the couch." I laughed a little at that he said that.
        "Wow such a gentlemen. I'll sleep on the couch thanks though."
          "No. It's fine really. I don't mind. Plus it's uncomfortable and your hurt." He argued.
       "No I have slept worse . I'll be fine thank you. And don't worry I'll be fine in a few days vampires heal quickly" I got up and slowly and walked to the door but Alex stood right in front the door blocking it.
      "Nope. Lady gets bed.duh. I know you don't have manners but come on. Nothing is worse than a couch" I sighed and laid  back on the bed with my back turned to him.
    "Try to live on the streets" I said then i heard him walk over  to the side of my bed ,  he got on one knee and I looked over my shoulder and saw in his eyes that he was worried/apologetic.
      "What?" I said as if nothing was wrong.
      "It's fine now I got a little house it's ok. Awwww you worry for this vampire?" I said smirking.
      "No I don't. Get some sleep even bitches need sleep" he said rolling his eyes as he got back up.
     "Night idiot" I rolled back over and he turned off the lights and I shivered from the coldness of the house. But I smiled that I actually got a nice place to stay in for a while. I looked at the ceiling in the dark and fell asleep.

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