Chapter 4 - Surprise!

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Rose, Rachel, Grace, and I all met at a young age. My parents moved into the neighborhood first, before they had any kids, and by the second grade, Rose and Grace had moved in and we were all best friends. Rachel had moved in when we were in fourth grade. It was a little weird letting another person into our crew but she fit in pretty well pretty fast.  

Now a days we have regular sleepovers and were at each others houses practically everyday. Which brings me to where we are now, lounging in Graces bedroom.

Walking in with 4 Dr. Peppers, I passed them around and sat on a pillow on the floor. Grace was playing Mario Cart, and Rose and Rachel were tossing the softball to each other. Might as well tell them about Josh now, right?

"Ya'll remember that Josh guy?" I asked them, taking a sip from my drink. Making a weird sighing noise, Rose spoke first, "Oh, how could you forget? He was hot."

I laughed a little before continuing. "Well, he followed me all the way up to my car." and with that, all eyes were on me. I took that as the sign to continue.

After finishing my little story, Rachel asked, "He said he was trying to hit on you?" I scrunched my eyebrows together. "Yeah. But wouldn't y'all have been scared he was going to rape you?" I asked, secretly really hoping at least one of them would agree. I threatened to take his head off when he hit on me.

All I got in response were giggles. Sighing, I took my phone out and wiggled it around. "Pizza anyone?"

After about 15 minutes, the door rang. I ran down Graces stairs quickly, surprised when I didn't find anyone in the living room. She has two sisters that are around a lot.

Opening the door and taking out my wallet, I asked, "How much will that be?"

In a deep, extremely familiar voice, a man replied, "12 dollars 5 cents." Whipping my head up, I find Josh. Although I'm extremely irritated to see him, he still looked really good in the Papa Johns uniform.

Groaning, I passed him the money as he passes me the large pizzas. Shifting my weight to the other side I asked him, "Are you stalking me now?" My voice was accusing although with a trace of amusement.

"N-no." He stuttered, lifting his hand to run it through his hair. "My best friend, Shane, hooked me up with a job when I moved here." He tells me and I remember Shane. He is really bulky and tough. Someone Ryan knows from baseball but I wouldn't hang out with. He has a bit of a reputation.

"Oh," I say "Well thanks for the-" But my sentence is cut short by Rachel's loud scream. "WHAT IS TAKING YOU SO LONG?" She screeched, and I lifted my head up the stairs to see them all peeking through the door.

Their eyes went wide as they saw who I was speaking with. After an extremely awkward silence, Rose broke it. "Oh. Uh.. Hi?" Josh lifted his hand in a weird wave and turned his attention back to me.

"Why did you move here anyway?" I asked suddenly. He looked taken aback with the question, but answered anyway. "I lived at a school a few hours away but the baseball team sucked. I was good so the school contacted us to move here and be on the team. So here I am." He said smoothly, shrugging his shoulders.

"Oh. Cool, So I guess I'll see you at school?" I asked him, shifting my weight again. Moving in closer to me, he whispered in my ear, "Wouldn't miss seeing you for the world." And with a smirk plastered on his face, he shot me a wink and headed to his car.

I watched him drive away, and my friends began to frantically come down the stairs, squealing like little girls. I blushed a little before shaking my head. He can't get to me.

I really, really want to hate him. But he's making it a little hard.

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