Chapter Seven.

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*Ryley's P.O.V*

I lay on top of my baby, smothering her in kisses, knowing that she was now carrying her own baby. "Ryley." She whispered. "Bobbie." I whispered back, looking her in the eye. "I'm in love with you." She whispered, her chest rising and falling as she caught her breath. "I'm in love with you too." I whispered back and kissed her lightly. She pushed me back after a few minutes, staring at me. "We should get changed, class will be starting soon." I smiled down at her and pecked her lips again. I stood up, helping Bobbie up with me and walked around the room, collecting her clothing while she caught her breath.

I took her clothes back to her and helped her put them back on carefully, ignoring the pain I my back whenever I moved my arms. Once Bobbie was fully dressed, I dressed myself and pulled her into a hug. "You're with me for the first two periods for double English, then again for double Math after lunch." I grinned at my baby and she grinned back, showing off her pearlies. I couldn't help but kiss her.

The bell rang and Bobbie jumped up and ran to the door unlocking it just in time for people to walk through the door. She sent me a quick smile and sat at the back, getting her book out of her bag.


*Bobbie's P.O.V*

I got a text from Ryley earlier asking if I could go round his house tonight to sleep and of course, when I asked my mum, she said yes, considering she wouldn't say no to her Alpha. The last bell had just rung and I stood up, packing my bag before I wet myself.

"Ms. Markel, could you stay behind for a few minutes please, Thank you." My gorgeous mate said and I completely agreed until I sneezed which gave me a rather large kick in the bladder. Thankfully everyone had left the classroom when I sneezed and Ryley laughed at me. "I really need to pee Ryley." He chuckled again and pulled me into him and I protested, holding in the pee as much as I could. "Stay still baby, I need to be near you." I groaned, not because of his words, well... kind of... but because I was about to wet myself. "Well unless you let me go to the bathroom right the second, I refuse to sleep at yours tonight." I told him, urgent to pee. It wasn't true. I'd go with Ryley anyway but my bladder was classed as OVER ACTIVE so I needed to pee every 5 seconds.

His arms unwrapped themselves from my waist and I whispered a thank you before running towards the door. "Straight back here afterwards, Ms. Markel." Ryley called after me. No doubt about that.


"Just put your bag down there and make sure you take your shoes off, it's a new carpet." Ryley told me softly, finally leaving me side since we'd left school. His house was huge and when I say huge I mean, HUGE. The grand opening was marbled flooring with cream walls with a massive diamond chandelier hanging from the ceiling. I dumped my bag next to the door and kicked my shoes off, stepping onto the soft carpet. I followed Ryley through the house to the lounge and I smiled, smelling new paint that was the colour blue.

"I love it Ryley." I told him, gazing around the room at the furniture and pictures. What amused me though was the painting of a wolf above the fireplace. "It's beautiful." I whispered. Ryley's arm snaked around my waist and pulled me into his hard chest, not feeling the material of his shirt. He kissed the top of my head, then my ear and neck, giving me a hickey, making me giggle. "Not as beautiful as you." He whispered and licked over my mark. I moaned, a shiver running through me, making my toes curl against the carpet. He chuckled in my ear and spun me around to face him. "I love you." "I love you too gorgeous." I smiled at him and he pulled me on top of him as he sat down. My eyes travelled from his eyes down to his chest... bare chest that was sculpted perfectly. I bit my lip. I could definitely see myself licking his abs. I moaned at my thoughts and Ryley tightened his grip on me, burying his face in my neck and breathing in.

"Ryley..." I whispered, pulling his head up to look in his eyes. I could feel his hard on pressing against my thigh and I moved myself so he was poking directly at my core. He groaned and I sighed, kissing his lips quickly. He looked into my eyes again and they were as dark as night. "Ryley, not now." I told him, running my fingers through his hair. "That's not what you just thought." I looked at him curiously. "Yes I can read your mind. You said you wanted to lick my abs." I blushed and covered my face with my hands. Can the ground just swallow me whole pretty please? "No." I groaned and looked up at a smirking Ryley.

"Baby, since your mine and I'm yours, you can lick me anywhere, any time you want." Ryley told me, his voice low and husky. I moaned and closed my eyes. Stupid Hormones. Stupid. Stupid. Stup- Ryley's lips touched mine and I melted. His arms pulling me closer to him. "Ryley, I said stop." I told him, pushing him away again. He looked hurt but swallowed it, concern growing in his eyes. "Are you ok baby?" He asked.

*Ryley's P.O.V*

I decided not to rade her thoughts again, giving her at least some privacy. "I-I don't know." She replied, stuttering on her words. "Whats wrong, baby? Is there some way I can make you feel better?" I asked in a rush, wanting Bobbie to be happy again. "I'm not sure. I just feel .... different..... like it's- uhh that makes no sense." She groaned, looking at me. I played with her hair behind her back. "Tell me?" I asked, my eyes pleading. Different? But nothing has changed since this morning, has it?

"Yeah... this sounds stupid, but... it feels like theres something else , like... in me. Like, in my belly, telling me to stop. It feels like theres something I haven't quite figure out yet ..." She trailed off. As soon as she said 'in my belly' I instantly thought of our pup. I- uhh mean baby. I smiled at her and kissed her nose quickly.

Should I tell her that she's pregnant or wait until she thinks more of it?



Its really short and everything but its something right?

anyway... I have writers block for this story to get it to where I want it to be so if you have any idea of what could happen, then please comment!! I'll dedicate the chapter to you and help promote one of your stories (your choice) :D


thank you for the votes and reads so far! you's are amazing!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2013 ⏰

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