Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 *Labrador's POV*

I watched her grab her head in pain, yelping and screaming, she fell to the ground, jolting something in me, I lunged forward and grabbed her, ignoring my brother.

"Labrador leave her be! what the hell are you doing?! Listen to me!!" Lance yelled as I lifted her off the ground, and walked inside with her.

I looked around and noted that Jace, our chef, was eyeing the girl in my hands, curiousliy I walked over. "Why are you staring at her?" I asked kindly, holding the mystery girl tight in my arms.

Jace flinched at my actions. "She before..." He stated breathilly.

I couldn't belive this! She was here before and I didn't get to meet her? I pouted slightly. "How come I never got to meet her?" I asked cutely, pouting more.

Jace nerveously rubbed the back of his neck. "You weren't here last week..." He whisperecd, hurrying off into the kitchen before I could ask him anything more.

*Guess its time to discuss this with Raven* I thought giddily, running upstairs and into the attic, placing her on my bed, before I left I got an idea, and wrote her a note telling her to stay up here:


  Could you stay up here in my room please? I'll be back soon. I just need to...well talk to some people, make yourself at home, k?

~In eternity, Labrador.'

I placed the note onto the pillow beside her and went downstairs to Raven's room, I looked at him through the open door and walked in "Raven?" I asked.

Raven whipped around in his spinny chair. "Knock before you enter!" He said sternly, pointing to the door.

I sighed and backed up untill I was outside of his room, I reached up and knocked on the doorframe.

"Come in" Raven said, grinning madly, "Do you have anything you need to discuss Labrador?" He asked kindly, holding out a jar of candy to me.

I shook my head 'no thank you'. "Actually yes, Raven I brought someone here and it turns out that she's been here before but I never got to meet her, thats unfair you guys know I like meeting people!" I stated, throwing a hissy-fit.

His eyes went wide and his jaw tensed. "Bring me to her...Now! Thats an order!!" He yelled angrilly, standing up.

I whimpered and walked upstairs, Raven following close behind, we reached my room, I opened the door and walked in.

Raven walked in behind me, heading straight for the bed where she lay, still passed out. "So I see the defences worked..." Raven stated coldly, glaring at the girls body and then at the note beside her, he picked it up and read it. "eat her, she is not a guest, she is not welcome here!" He yelled, crumpling the note and tossing it into the garbage.

I growled for the first time in my life. "NO! I will not eat her! I will not betray my new friend!" I yelled, back-handing Raven.

He grabbed my wrist just as The girl woke up, Raven slowly began to bend my wrist backward untill it snapped. "How dare you touch me!" Raven yelled gripping me around the throte.

"RUN! Get away from here! Don't look back!" I yelled, grabbing at Raven's wrists, trying to rip his hands off my neck, to no avail.

She ran, straight down the attic stairs, I didn't know where she went or if she'd make it away fast enough, I just knew that I had to provide her with time, her life depended on it.

I grinned, and kneed Raven in the gut, "Get off of me!!" I yelled shoving him away, I straightened up and rubbed my throte lightly.

Raven looked up at me growling, blood spewing out of his nose and lip, he spat blood on the floor. "You traitor! by doing this you turn on your brother as well, think of how dissapointed he'll be when he finds out you betrayed your own kind for the sake of a human girl who broke his heart." Raven stated, standing shakily.

Lance ran up just as Raven kicked me in the head, and continued kicking me as I layed on the floor in pain. "DON'T YOU TOUCH MY BROTHER RAVEN!! YOU CAN BEAT ME UP BUT WHEN YOU HURT MY BROTHER I HAVE TO KILL YOU!!" He yelled angrilly.

Raven launched at him and punched him so hard in the head that he passed out, at that moment I realised that the girl was in the doorway, a baseball bat in her hands, but it wasn't just any baseball bat, it had nails sticking up all over it.

"I told you to run!" I yelled, trying to sit up, but I'd lost to much blood, infact I could hardly even move.

She frowned then straightened up looking somewhat angry. "Ya well I'm not running anymore! I'm sick of running! I've run my whole life! And do you even think for a minute that I'm gonna leave you here to die when you've stood up for me countless times and taken a beating to protect me? Well newsflash I'm not running!!" She yelled, tears starting in her eyes.

Raven laughed and then simply staggered over towards her, I grabbed his leg in an attempt to stop him, he just kicked my hand off and continued walking over to her. "Aww so cute, does big bad Ivy have feelings for a demon? pfft how pathetic." Raven chuckled, throwing a punch at Ivy, in which she dodged.

The girl, Ivy, swung the baseball bat hard at his knees, knocking him over, she smirked and stood swinging the bat at his head, leaving a huge gash. she threw the bat aside and kicked him in the head, his skull making a sickening crunch.

I stared at her, shocked, her words from earlier meant so much to me, passionet and careing, how could she have broken my brothers heart, she just saved all our lives, although Raven is still alive, she just killed one side of him, the scary one.

Lance sat up, coughing hard, he looked at his hand and there was blood, alot of blood! "Where the hell is that bastard!" He yelled, standing up, stumbling slightly as he looked around the room, he saw Ivy standing over Raven's dead body. "S-SHE killed him?" Lance asked, wide eyed.

I stood up shakily. gripping my side, a small smile on my face as I limped over to my brother. "Yes brother, she killed him." I said patting him on the back.

He spun around and hugged me. "I've never been more worried about you! When Ivy came into my room and told me.....I-I thought you might already be dead! I'm so happy your alive!" He stated.

I had never seen this side of him before, I hugged him back, but sooner pulled away, I turned to look at Ivy, she was clutching her arm tightly, as blood ran down it, My eyes widened and I limped over.

Lance, I had never seen him move so fast, he was beside her looking at her arm with great care, I knew he still loved her just by watching him, I reached them and pushed Ivy onto a chair. "What happened?" I asked, looking into her eyes.

She smiled a little. "Oh just a dosn't matter." She grabbed at her arm again, I began to assume it was more then just a scratch.

I pulled her hand away from the so called 'scratch' only to find, a huge gash that went all the way around her arm. "'just a scratch' right? does that just look like a 'scratch' to you?" I asked, slightly angered.

Ivy frowned, and covered it with her hand again, she stood and walked out of the room.

I felt Lance put his hand on my shoulder, I looked up at him. "Let me go talk to her" He stated, looking at me.

I gave a nod and he walked out the door in search of Ivy.

What was it that made me love her? was it her loving and kind nature? Am I crazy? No! But what is it that made me love her?


Authors Note

Yay That one was longer! well then, I hope I get more votes comments and fans, no flames though ok? btw while I have you here, would you mind reading my friends stories? her  name  is  Nikkehz, so if you don't mind, could you read them? thank you! and thanks for reading so far! see you in the next chapter!

~In eternity LH

P.S. the pic to the side is Labrador and the song is 'For The Nights I Can't Remember' by 'Hedley'

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