There was a biting cold wind zooming throughout england. It was night which made it even colder, you would have to be crazy or even dareing to take even a step in the deathing of the cold. So at the time it was rare to see a single person out, unless of course they were a dead homeless person. Because believe me, nobody could survive that chill.
Down at the Trancy estate live a young bleach blonde young girl. She lived the happiest life unless it was winter time, then she got fiesty. The things she enjoyed were mostly dancing, having fun, and being with her butler claude. Claude was her butler also known as the spider demon of course. The two were in a contract, Aloisa wanted ciel but at the time Ciel felt nothing for her. She wanted him so badly yet it hurt her when he wouldn't even look at her.
Laying in bed. She couldn't sleep from both being too cold, and thinking of ciel. It was then that she got up out of bed and walked down to where Claude was, of course Claude sensed her presence pushing up his glasses, and turning towards her.
"Your highness.. What are you doing out of bed?" he deeply asked.
Aloisa looked at him, answering with a sneeze."I-its just s-s-so c-cold... Achoo!"
He widened his eyes slightly in understandment of the situation knowing exactly how to fix it. "Oh, well would you like me to prepare some warm milk for you your highness? Would that help?"
She nodded, giving her well known happy smile in agreement. "Yes! That will do perfectly Claude." With that she happily skipped back to her room noticing a window open. "Oh.. This windows open. Thats why its so cold in here!" She walked over to go close it but was blocked off by Claude.
"No your highness! You wouldn't want to catch a cold." he stated while closing the window for her. "Now.. I'll be in the kitchen preparing your milk head to your room and i'll bring it to you alright?"
She nodded and went in her room, and sheltered herself under her blankets. She giggled from beneath the darkness of them and thought about how Ciel must be sleeping right now. "Ciel.. I wish you felt the same.."
Claude arrived after a few, and annonced "your highness.. Your milk is ready." Aloisa popped her headout from the blankets giggling, "yay! Thanks Claude!" She grabbed the glass drinking it while feeling warm and sleepy now. So she layed back and drifted off to sleep, before Claude was about to head off she had grabbed hold of his arm. Loving how warm it was, and clinged on to it seeming as if she was to attached to it to ever let it go.
Not too long after Claude gave up and layed beside her as she clang on letting her cuddle warmly.