Chapter 12

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(Jerome's POV)

She opened the door and I saw him. I couldn't believe my eyes.

He was laying in the bed in one of those hospital gowns. I looked him head to toe. He had those white bandages, but the bandages were stained red. The bandages were wrapped around his wrists, and there were some bandages wrapped around his thighs. He was in a nice slumber, only this slumber he might not wake from.

A tear lightly slid down my face, and fell from my chin. Lachlan saw it and wiped my face. "It will be okay." He tried to comfort me. "Thank-" I got cut off my Preston

"You still haven't told us what happened. Why does he have bandages stained with blood wrapped around him? Also why is he sleeping?" Preston interrupted.

He was their friend too, but he was more than a friend to me. Mitch was my boyfriend. He was my everything. No. He is my everything. I can't think like this. Like he is dead. Goddammit Jerome. Mitch is still alive! Now be grateful. "I love him. I love him so goddam much. Mitch please don't die. You are my everything." I accidently screamed, and started crying.

Lachlan calmed me down, and then Rob asked me the same. Two questions Preston did. Only nicer. "Hey... Do you want to tell us why Mitch had the bandages wrapped around his wrists and thighs? Oh... And... Why is he still sleeping. I mean wouldn't he have woken up from your screaming." Rob is nice, but not as nice as Lachlan.

I was finally ready to answer their questions. "Okay so I don't want you to think differently of Mitch." I got head nods from everyone indicating that they understand. " First off he cuts himself, and has for a while now. I don't think he was trying to kill himself. Not this time at least. Jen, the doctor said that he is in a coma... And... And they don't if he will ever wake up."

I took in another deep breath. "I miss Mitch. I want him T-to wake up n-now. I want him to wake up NOW. I would do anything, give anything. Just to see him awake and fine." I scream and cry.

Lachlan quickly comes over to me and he engulfs me in yet another hug. Why must Lachlan be so nice? I mean. He isn't this nice to everyone else. Yeah he his still nice to everyone else, but why is he being nicer to me?

'I'm not special. I don't deserve to live. If I had just opened the door when I first got into his room, he would probably be alive right now.' Jerome stop thinking like that. You have amazing friends, and one boyfriend that can never be replaced. I began to stop crying, but I was still sniffling.

"It will be okay Jerome. It will get better. Sooner or later." ' It can get better, but Does It Ever Really Completely Get Better?'

*Time skip a few hours. To when it is dark.*
Still (Jerome's POV)

I got woken up by yelling. My name was being yelled. "Jerome! Jerome, he is waking up! Mitch is waking up!

I ran into the hospital room. There was Jen the doctor, Lachlan of course, Rob, Preston, and Vikk. His hair shined, and his eyes slowly opened. They twinkled as the light hit his caramel eyes.

'It can get better, but Does It Ever Really Completely Get Better?'


The End

Don't worry I will be writing a sequel! Nice ending right? It is like the ending of the movie 'If I Stay'.

I will try to start the sequel soon.

Oh and I changed the name of this story. Only a little.

I will tell you when I start the sequel. Goodbye for now.

Does It Ever Really Completely Get Better? A Merome FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now