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He is in the boys locker room coming out of gym as the bell rings, looking around he grabs his bag and opens the door to the courtyard where he sees the other students. Pouring out the doors of the school.
The whole day is free thanks to the teachers leaning early cause the principal quit. Especially how there were so many fights.
"Hey! Zy! Where you going?" Connor Davis gripped Zynth's bag from the handle grinning.
"Oh, hello Connor. I'm heading to Melody for the free day since Anna isn't here."
"Ah, tell her hello for me will ya? I will See you at the party?" Conner stared and waited hesitantly for the answer.

ynth sighed "yes, Conner. You'll see me there."
Jumping and hugging Zynth while laughing before punching his arm and running off.
"Well then. Off to melody." Walking into the school doors he hears what sounds like melody screaming.

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