Madison Montgomery

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The harsh sound of yelling was not uncommon at Miss Robichaux's. This time wasn't all that different. Madison's fake nails left a bright red scratch upon Zoe's pale face- not two seconds passed before Zoe had flipped things around; grasping a fistful of Madison's hair making the blonde screech in anguish. Zoe delivered two sharp kicks to the other girl's ribs, knocking her to the ground before planting another one in her stomach. She turned around, leaving a curled up Madison laying on the cold kitchen floor. "Don't fuck with me next time." Zoe spat, returning upstairs.

It was only 14:00, but Addy had a thirst. She had heard the caterwauling but had assumed it had just been something simple. Addy giggled, the tiles were cool on the soles of her uncovered feet. She walked around the side of the counter, noticing Madison lying on the floor. Addy knelt down and rolled the girl over, "Madison?" She was conscious. Adelaide let Madison's body drop to the floor. She was beaten but still alive. A nauseating wave washed over the clairvoyant witch and she tumbled over onto the floor.

"So glad you all could come," The stage was lit only by a spotlight, a younger Madison Montgomery was stood there wearing a beige coloured, sequin encrusted dress, "Gee, is it hot in here?" She waltzed across the stage, failing an attempt to be seductive. "Cut! Cut!" A short, filled out man with a small, wooden clipboard yelled across the room, his glasses hanging off of his nose. "You're still not hitting your mark" he sighed, placing his head in his hands. The man was wearing a small, white name-tag which had been clipped haphazardly onto his lapel. "I'm using the space." Madison reasoned, holding her hand up as if questioning his remark. She looked down, the spotlight's glare was further forward and to the right. "If you don't hit your mark, that light can't hit you." A quiet, high pitched squeak echoed off of the ceiling, but nobody heard it. The lighting fixture above the director whined loudly; the spotlight cascaded from the roof, hitting the man on the back of the head, killing him instantly

Addy stumbled up from the floor; she wasn't fooled. That wasn't an accident, in fact, Addy bet her life that Madison had meant to kill him. Addy's own accident hadn't been on purpose, she didn't mean to kill the other girl. Sometimes Addy looked over at Madison and saw all of her childhood bullies compiled into one supreme bully. Supreme. Nan often talked about being the supreme; apparently she'd be a good witch, and use her powers for the good of the coven. She said that if she were the Supreme, she'd make sure that all witches were treated equally and that any "bad witches" would be 'dealt with'. Nan was cute. The kind of cute where she'd fit in right next to a basket of kittens; but even Nan had a dark-side. Though gentle and kind, she was just as sharp tongued as any of the other girls. Granted, she couldn't fight as well physically as the other girls, but that was the thing about her power. She would use her mind. Nan had mastered the art of Concilium. In fact, both girls, Addy and Nan had. They'd made a pact, vowing to never control each other and to communicate with their minds; just like sisters. Addy backed away from Madison- it was too hot for this drama. With a deep breath, she turned out of the kitchen and returned to her shared room.

"Madison's unconscious on the floor down stairs." Addy announced as she waltzed in to the room, sitting herself down on her bed. She'd decorated her side of the room with photographs of her family, her favourite celebrities and music artists. Above her headboard was a large frame with a cork centre that she could tack all of her photos on. Pinned up were pictures of Beyoncé, Cara Delevigne, Robert Pattinson and a dozen other people of whom Nan didn't know the names of. On the set of drawers next to her bed though, stood a framed picture of Addy, Addys's Mom and her Dad whilst they were on holiday in Canada when she was four. It made her feel odd; sometimes it made Addy happy, she enjoyed remembering the time spent with her family, even the scent of her mother's scarf returned to her memory sometimes. Although she liked remembering all of those fond moments, it sometimes made her so melancholic- she mourned the fact that she would never smell her mother again or that she wouldn't be able to return to her father.

Hey! Thanks for reading. I'm sorry that this is a shorter chapter than my usual- the next one will be longer. <3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2015 ⏰

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