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"Hey mum." I smiled as I pressed the phone to my ear. It's a Friday morning and on Fridays I don't start til lunchtime, which is exactly why Friday's are the best day of the week.

"Troye!" She squealed in response. This was the first time we had properly talked in about a month and a half, considering we mainly text now. It was strange hearing her voice. Usually, I either talk to someone everyday or not at all, so having such large gaps between talking is weird. "How have you been?"

I could sense her smile through the phone and it made me smile even more, making me chuckle slightly as I said, "I've been good, my jobs going well and my house hasn't collapsed on me... Yet." I said, whispering the last word as I remember how many times, just in the past month, that Tyler has tried to cause havoc in my house.

She laughed over the phone and said, "That's good, have you spoke to Tyde lately? I've seen his pictures on Facebook, looks like he's having a great time." I had to stop myself from laughing at the fact that Tyde still actually uses Facebook, like, really?

It's been almost two months since he's gone, considering he's spending exactly two months away. Him and a few of his friends have gone to America. I don't see how they can spend so much time there, I mean sure it's a big country but in order to travel you actually need money and Tyde doesn't even work.

"So the table is booked for 7 o clock the day after he gets back for the 6 of us, considering Steeles still coming with us, right?" I said, smiling at the thought of seeing my siblings for the first time in forever. (Don't. Just don't)

Steele has been mainly busy for the past few months, and whenever I've seen him, it's been brief. His job is a lot stricter than mine, and definitely pays better. He can't exactly risk loosing his jobs and in order to keep it, he has to do a lot leaving basically no leisure time for him. But seriously, why would he want a lifestyle like that?

I hardly work and still get by, then again... I'm forced to live in a house next to Tyler. I can't exactly move unless I want a serious down grade.

"Yeah, that's fine, no Steele is most definitely coming. We've been planning too long for him to miss this." Mid way through my mums last sentence, the doorbell rang, and considering I was in my living room, I could see who it was just by looking out my window. Tyler. Of course.

"Honey, do you need to go?" I heard my mum say though the phone, sounding slightly concerned.

"No it's just my annoying neighbour. He'll leave eventually." I said, rolling my eyes and trying to signal for Tyler to go away. He noticed me but decided to start ringing my doorbell even more. I groaned. "Are you sure? Look honey, you should get that, I'll go. Call me later."

"No mum please don't hang up." But before I had finished talking, the line had gone dead. I made an annoyed grunt before trudging to the door and giving Tyler and unimpressed look. "What." I said harshly.

"Well someone's moody this morning." He giggled, fishing into his pocket. "This fell out your pocket when you came to my door yesterday." He said, handing me my wallet with a smirk. "Question, why would someone who never gets laid keep protection on him at all times?"

I went slightly red as I tried to keep an annoyed expression and yelled, "You went through my wallet?"

He rolled his eyes and said, "I needed some cash. Starbucks doesn't pay for itself." He looked at me and noticed the annoyed look on my face and therefore said, "Calm down, I'll pay you back."

"I'm pretty sure you said those same exact words to me during the first week we met and I still haven't received a penny off you." I scoffed, crossing my arms.

"You never asked." He said, shrugging whilst a smirk hung on his lips. "Bye Troye." He said, walking away.

Ew this is crap


Ps, I'm ill af

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