Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

   "Mr.Sykes?" a voice said from behind the door.

   I opened my eyes. My throat was on fire, I tried massaging it to make it better. But that ended up making it worse. I replied "Mmmmm...." groggily to the voice.

   I heard the door open, and I saw a silhouetted figure turning on the lights. My eyes automatically squinted under the glare of the lights. I saw a blob of white, with orangish-red hair. 

   "Hello Mr. Sykes, how are you feeling?" 

   As my eyes adjusted I realized it was Dr. Asher. The man who had performed the excruciatingly painful, but needed, surgery on me. I gave him a thumbs up signaling I was doing alright. It hurt too much to speak. 

   I looked around at the room I was in. I had been moved to another room, probably after the doctors performed the surgery on me. I remember waking up in the ICU and feeling like my throat had just been cut into a million tiny pieces. Now, my throat felt slightly better. I looked at the clock and it read 8:22. Damn, how long had I been in here, I wondered to myself. I looked around and the room gave me a home-like feeling, it was a safe atmosphere. There was a painting of a man singing on stage with multiple violins, trumpets, and other unrecognizable instruments behind him on the wall. I opened my mouth to ask who had painted it, but Dr. Asher stopped me with a finger to his mouth. "Nathan you aren't allowed to speak for about a day, as it could alter the healing process." I nodded, understanding. I was in absolute no mood to speak anyway. It hurt enough swallowing, talking would just make it feel like I was shoving fire down my throat. 

   Dr. Asher gave me a clipboard with some paper and a pen on it. "Here, you can write me whatever you need to tell me on here." 

   I nodded and wrote, "It's not that important anyway." 

   Dr. Asher scowled and stated in a matter-of-factly way, "Nathan, anything anyone has to say is worth something." I gave him a closed mouth smile, agreeing with his philosophy.

   I scribbled "Who's the artist of that painting there at the wall?"

   He looked at what I wrote and pointed "This painting?" I nodded. "James Marinado, not as well-known as many artists, but I think he deserves loads of attention. Don't you?" I nodded.

   As I stared at the painting, I wondered where the boys were. I missed them and their excessive amount of stupidity. I wrote, "Just curious, but where are the boys?"

   Dr. Asher replied, "They were here whilst you were put on your sleeping medication."

   I furrowed my eyebrows. "Sleeping medication?

   He smiled, "Well that's the proper term for it well see you were in a lot of pain and our nurses had to shove a sleeping pill down your mouth." I scratched my head and grinned. I mean who wouldn't be in pain after surgery?

   " What about Jess and Mum?" I wrote. 

   "They were here when you were on your erm... sleeping medication," he smiled, "along with your father." 

   My father? I hadn't seen my father in so long. My mum and dad were in the same room together without fighting. Impossible. The reality of my mum and dad being in the same room without total utter chaos erupting. No... could it... Nah... But...

   Nathan?" I snapped my attention back to Dr. Asher. I gave him an awkward like head nod, as in saying "yes, what happened." Luckily, he understood and said "I'm sure that it probably crossed your mind about when you'll be able to sing or talk again..." he looked at me, to see my reaction, I nodded as in saying I was curious about when I would sing again, and he continued "and well it all depends." I gave him a questioning look. He answered, "It all depends on the healing process, you know if it'll go well." Dr. Asher sat down on the couch. Couch? Wow this hospital was quite fancy!

   I nodded. "If it'll go well..." that thought crept in my mind. What if it didn't go well? What if my voice didn't heal right. What if something went wrong? I shook my head at the though, I knew I was being paranoid, but I couldn't help wondering...

   "Nathan, are you okay?" My head snapped back to Dr. Asher, he was staring intently at me. His chest was leaning towards me, while leaning in with his elbows on his thighs. I nodded. I pointed at the side of my head, as if to say "I'm just thinking." He nodded. 

   "Don't worry too much or else anxiety will get the to you. You'll be fine, I assure you of it," he gave me a reassuring smile. 

   I wrote curiously, "What about talking? Will I talk at the same time as I'll be able to sing again?" 

   "That's a good question, Nathan and the answer to that is yes you will be able to talk faster than you sing, since talking requires less, well let me find a word for it... voice usage, I guess you could say. Or well not necessarily voice usage, it's really the effort that goes into it you know, since talking requires a lot less effort for your vocal cords than singing does." I nodded, absorbing everything I was being told. So basically, I wouldn't be able to sing at the same time as talking because it took more effort to sing than talk. Doctors... always had to make stuff more complicated than it really was. 

   "Okay, Nathan you shall be released from the hospital as soon as tomorrow, but you will have to take some pain killers and other medication to help with the healing and to prevent any infections." I nodded, as long as my voice was back to normal and everything was going to be okay, I didn't mind. 

   "Well Nathan is there anything you need, whilst I'm here, Dr. Asher asked with eyebrows raised. I shook my head, I didn't want to be a bother. I showed him that I would just be going back to sleep with hand gestures. He nodded and got up from the couch, heading for the door. 


Hey people! This is my first story/fanfic so don't kill me if its terrible. 

I really hope you enjoy because I'm trying to work super hard on this story!

Comment, Vote, Promote, And Fan! It would be appreciated! I promise. :D

I always wished I could write a story and now I stopped wishing and started doing! :) 

 Gif of Nathan Sykes to the right! --------->

Enjoy and do everything #nicely! 

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