Chapter 3

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   The next day I woke up with excitement. I hadn't had much sleep last night, because I was awaiting today. Today, I would be going back to The Wanted's home in L.A. Although I had only stayed here for about a day, I was already tired of it. the burning in my throat was still there, but had subsided a bit over-night. I emerged from the bed and freshened up. I could see I was still in my "sexy" gown and felt a smile tug at my lips.  

   As I came back in the room, I could see the door knob jerking. A nurse with jet black hair and caramel colored skin walked in with a delighted look on her face. "Good morning Nathan!" she said pleasantly. I nodded my head in acknowledgement. 

   The nurse handed me a white dry-erase board and a red marker. 

   "So, how are you hon? You doing okay?" she asked. 

   "Yes," I wrote.

   "Great! And how is your throat feeling?"

   "It just burns a bit," I scribbled on the board.

   "Oh well that's normal, but I can get you some medicine with that."

   "Thank you."

   "Your welcome Nathan and would you like anything to eat?"

   Eat. I was starving. I was craving some scrambled eggs with turkey bacon and toast with some green tea to soothe my throat, but I remembered that this was a hospital not a restaurant. So, instead I wrote something that the hospital's kitchen staff would make that wouldn't cause them a lot of pain. I wrote, "Yes. Can I please have some oatmeal with berries. And some green tea as well?"

   She scowled. "Nathan, this is a hospital not a jail. Now I know that's not what you want."

   I was taken a back by her response. She was certainly a strong-willed woman.

   I wrote, "I don't want to trouble the kitchen staff too much."

   She grimaced at what I wrote and told me, "Nathan you are the patient, and this is a hospital, and it is the hospital's duty to provide our patients the utmost comfort and happiness possible. And you are the patient so please tell me what your stomach actually desires."

   I knew I had lost this little banter and that there was no point in fighting back so I decided to just tell her what my stomach had actually desired. 

   "My stomach desires scrambled eggs, bacon and toast with some green tea."

   She grinned and replied, "Alrightey then," obviously satisfied with my response. 

   "And is there anything else you need?" she asked. 

   I thought to myself wondering if I did need anything else. My phone, of course! Oh God the fans were probably angry, since I hadn't updated them on how the surgery had went. Or thank them for their support. I am terrible I thought to myself. I quickly erased the board with my hand and wrote, "My phone?"

   "Your phone... Yes, I'll be sure to get you your phone. I'll be back." I nodded. She left and closed the doors with a thud. I looked at my hands and could see they were stained red thanks to the red marker. I got up and went to the bathroom to wash my hands. I dried my hands and went back into my room. 

   Minutes later the nurse entered and set the tray with my breakfast and phone on the table nest to the bed. "Enjoy your breakfast, Nathan."

   "Thank you," I mouthed. 

    "Your welcome Nathan," she replied with a smile. 

   As she turned for the door she remembered something and told me a nurse would be by in a half-hour to clean up, and give me some medicine for my throat. 

   She left with a nod, leaving me alone with my breakfast and phone. I was starving and ready to devour the food, but my hunger had to wait. The fans, who I had neglected to update, were more important to me than my hunger. I grabbed my phone and logged onto Twitter. I tweeted, "Out of surgery! Everything went well!!! :) xx"

   I scrolled through the birthday and 'get well soon' wishes, retweeting and replying to a few here and there. 

   I sent out another tweet saying, "Thank you for all the birthday and get well soon wishes. The TWFanmily is the best! xx"

   I turned off my phone and the aroma of the breakfast filled my nose. I sat down on the bed and stuffed my face with the food that had been waiting for me to eat. 

   Twenty minutes later I had finished eating everything. the only thing that remained was my tea. I raised my cup and drank my tea. I felt a slight burning in my throat, as I drank.

   I finished my breakfast and felt satisfied. I grabbed my phone and started playing games, to let the time pass.

   The door handle started to move. and a nurse walked in. This nurse was more older than the last one and had a few visible streaks of gray in her brown hair. She walked over and grabbed my tray and told me she'd be back in a few minutes with the medicine. 

   I stared at the clock watching the seconds tick by. I remembered that I was still in my gown, and that I would be going back to the L.A. home. I texted mum telling her to bring me some clothes to change into. 

   The nurse walked in just as I sent the text to mum. "Here you go Nathan," she said amiably. I gave her a smile to thank her. 

   "Okay well I'll leave you to drink your medicine," the nurse said leaving. 

   I grabbed the medicine and opened it cautiously. I poured the recommended dosage into the small cup. I stared at the cherry red liquid in the cup, preparing to drink the nasty fluid. I quickly sipped it and my face immediately scrunched up at the revolting taste. The nurse had left a water bottle, which I ended up drinking in order to get rid of the horrid taste that had blanketed my taste buds. 

   After the taste of the medicine left my mouth I felt a wave of relief throughout my throat. The burning had disappeared. I felt a perpetual peace pass through me as my throat began to feel normal again. 


Hey readers! Sorry for the long update. I had no Internet for a week. :( But now it's back! :)

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Plus I'll be updating quicker now that school's over! Please comment, vote, fan, and promote! It would mean A LOT! 

The Wanted's new song Drunk On Love and may I say it is perfection. 

Have a great day!


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