Society's Rules

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Society's POV
I see a girl with black hair, pale skin and thin lips walk through the door of her school.

I smile.

Checkmate. I think.

"Hi! My name is Society. I've come to clarify the rules and make sure everyone understands and abides to these rules. Now this may seem hard but it'll get easier. Soon you'll be feeling perfect, like your walking on air and no one can stop you. You'll never be lonely, friends are only a phone call away. Now listen, here's what you need to know:

Skinny is always beautiful.
•If you have no friends, you're bound to fail in life.
Toughin up. Nobody wants to hear all about your stupid issues.
Make-up always makes you pretty!
Food is life...but you still have to be skinny, hehe.
Dont listen to what anyone says. Don't let it get to you. If you do, you'll get depressed and turn emo and nobody likes emos.
Be exciting! Don't just read, even though it may be what you love to do. That's not exciting enough. Go drink some beer or some shit like that. You won't regret it!
Now do you hereby abide to these rules?"

The girl, confused, nods gently.

"Great! Now let's get this started, shall we? This is going to fun!"
Wow...Part 1 is already deep. Please comment what you think and thanks for all the support!
-Anna :)

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