Merry New Years

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"Hey Will come check this out" Hunter said running to the living room. Willy ran to the couch to look out the window with Hunter.

"It's snowing Hunter" Willy smiled happily. Hunter ran out to open the door as Willy followed.

"It's so pretty" Hunter spun around with his hands out.

"Come on let's lie down and watch it snow" Willy lied down as did Hunter.

The two boys lied there watching the snow fall. Willy noticed Hunter grabbing his hand. As soon as he noticed he blushed. 'what should I do? oh I know'

"Ah my eye" Willy claimed rubbing his eye. Hunter looked up at him.

" Are you okay? what happend?" Hunter looked up.

"Snow in my eye" Willy tried to get the awkwardness atmosphere away.

"Oh let me help" Hunter said as he came closer and blew in Willys eye.

"I'm....fine" Willy said turning away.

"Come on pumpkin" Hunter said slightly teasing him.

"Okay that's old Halloween is over it's Christmas time now" Willy sat up looking down.

"Okay okay how about ill call you Winter since its Christmas" Hunter smiled starring at him.

"That's my middle name anyways" Willy laughed.

"Really?!? awesome okay Winter lets go play in the snow" Hunter jumped up running around as did Willy.

2 weeks later

"MERRY CHRISTMAS WINTER" Hunter said in front of Willys door.

"Hello Hunter MERRY CHRISTMAS" Willy said pulling him into his room.

"So what did you get me"? Willy said looking at the present.

"Open and see" Hunter gave him the present. Willy opened the box.

"No Really? A GAME SYSTEM" Willy jumped for joy.

"Your welcome now we can play" Hunter said.

"I didn't get you something this expensive" Willy looked upset.

"It's okay it the though that counts" Hunter opened the box.

"A necklace ? I like it" Hunter said putting I on.

"It is just simple silver but I you like snow alot and silver kinda looks like snow" Willy said awkwardly.

"I like it I really do" Hunter smiled.

"Wait what's this" Hunter pulled something else from the box.

"THE LEGEND OF ZELDA? the new one? really? Thank you" Hunter said hugging Willy. Willy blushed.

"Though you would like it" Willy said hugging him back. Both boys hug eachother for about a minute.

Hunter let go and stared at Willy he noticed something he really didn't notice till now. ' he's really cute and small'. Willy also noticed something. 'I think I like Hunter...alot'.

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