What happened

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"Here" Will said handing Hunter his books.

"Remember this"? He asked.

Hunter picked up the book and looked at the cover. It had Winter doodled on it.

"Oh yeah, when you changed my name in middle school" He laughed.

"I know. Anyway where are we going for our date today"? Will asked.

"I could play guitar for you"?

"Awe really"? Will coed.

"Yeah, come here" Hunter pated a spot beside him.

Will sat beside Hunter as he played his favourite song.

"Ooooh na na na na na na na na na na na na so dangerous" Hunter sang acoustically.

Will put his head on Hunters shoulder and closes his eyes. He listened to the sound of Hunters voice as it suddenly stopped. Will opened his eyes and looked at Hunter who was staring right at him. Both boys leaned in for a kiss which then turned into a makeout session.

"Let me take you out" Hunter said pulling away and getting up.

"Where"? Will asked following him.

"It's a secret come on" Hunter grabbed his hand and walked down the street.

At first it was raining out so both boys cuddled under Hunters jacket. They would get looks from the people on the street by that was all.

"We're here" Hunter said walking up to a Buliding.

Will looked at it and back a Hunter.

"You're taking me to the discovery centre"? Will asked.

"Yep, that way we can make 'experiments'" Hunter out quotes around the word experiment.

"Stop talking and lets go" Will hit Hunter softly.

Not too much happened until they got to a huge bubble machine.

"Ooh bubbles" Will ran to the machine.

"Here let me help you" Hunter grabbed his body and moved it under the machine with him as a huge bubble came up around them.

"We're trapped in a bubble" Will wined.

"It's okay I'm here" Hunter said hugging him.

After they left they headed to the park.
They walked hand and hand through gardens and sat down on a bench under a huge tree.

"I'm really glad I met you" Will said out of nowhere.

"That was random but I'm glad I met you too, it was fun to pick on you a bit" He laughed and got punched by Will.

"I'm kidding, you know I love you"

"Your lucky I love you too" Will leaned in to kiss Hunter.

They sat like this for a while until Will pulled away.

"This may seem out of nowhere but I don't want to lose you" He hugged Hunter and hid his face.

"Me neither, you know what if we ever get apart from eachother lets meet here from now on" Hunter pulled Wills face up again.

"Okay, this will be our forever and always place"

"What kind of name is that, let it be our nerd bench where we only talk about nerd stuff, like us"

They both laughed and rested on eachother for a while.

"It's late we should head home for some noodles" Hunter said.

Will nodded and followed Hunter back to the street.

As they crossed the street Hunter saw rocks everywhere.

"Will watch out of the rocks" just as he said that Will tripped on the rocks.

'Dumbass' Hunter thought.

"Come here" Hunter picked him up and hugged him.

"This is like out first kiss Hunter" Will said looking at the surroundings. A lit lamppost dark and on the road hugging eeachother

"Yeah it dose" Hunter said.

They stared at eachother until they heard a noise coming from down the road.

"WILL GET OFF THE ROAD" Hunter screamed pulling him just as he tripped again on the rocks.

"DAMN IT" Hunter screamed trying to pull him up.

Just as he pulled him up a car out of control came through driving on the sidewalk then the road.

Will saw the car coming right for Hunter so he pulled him the other direction when he tripped on the rocks too.

"REALLY KARMA" Will shouted he pulled him up as they ran for the trees.

They claimed up the trees so they weren't in the way of the car going crazy.

"Will, if anything happens to us you know I love you and I mean it"

"Hunter don't say those things"

"Will were in a tree with a crazy car below us what a dumb idea"

"I'm sorry where else can we go its a train wreak down there" Will stopped and held on to Hunter.

"I'm sorry, I love you too, don't let me go" They both held on for dear life as the car came crashing into the tree.

Both boys fell landing while still hugging eachother.

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