Chapter 2 Dear Teacher, Teach Me A Lesson On Love

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It's short sorry about that but I'll upload agian soon hopefully


We were at school not by Jails choice.

See Jail is more the Emo person in the Clever family he’s not zany and ecstatic as his brothers thus not wanting to go to school and be compared.  Jail was named for Two reasons:

1.     If you pull a big enough prank on Aprils Fools Day (his birthday) you can go to jail.

2.     When he was born he didn’t cry at all and always had this serious expression on he also did perfect in all newborn exams.

“I can’t believe you made me go” He grained as we walked to the entrance we were late because SOMEONE had to stop for some coffee and a donut.

“Will when I called you to pick me up did you think it was to go to Disney World!?” I yelled. Again with the anger management issues.

“No that’s like 1 hour away we might live in Florida but I doesn’t mean we’re 20 minutes from it!”

“You’re an Idiot you know!”

“Whisper you aren’t talking to my brother I'm not afraid to insult you.” Jail said an inch away from my face.  

“Whisper Willow and Jail Clever get your butts over here!” Yelled a feminine voice. It was Misty and she was holding the baby Sea. She was Trea’s female Triplet she looked just like him but in a girl form.

“Hey Misty!”  Jail was an idiot. Misty Volunteers at school waiting till Kyre and Trea graduate to go to college. Since Misty is like on a pedestal at school she can do whatever she wants get people in trouble of out of trouble.

“Jail! I should give you detention you are ten minutes late AND you’re in the ELEMENTARY section no middle scholars or high scholars allowed in this section.” Misty whispered yelled.

Yup we were in the Elementary section because Jail insisted that we wouldn’t get caught if we came the back way.

“But since you are being accompanied by the lovely Miss. Willow I’ll let it pass now get to class!” She said we started walking past her.

“WAIT! I have you schedules.” She said  pulling out to pieces of paper.

“And Jail don’t fail and bring your sister and Sage down with you we both know that the only reason they “failed” was because they didn’t want to leave you alone. And I mean you turning 19 this April I really hope that Bambi, Tink and Sea end up like me and Griffin.” And with that Misty turned around and walked into the daycare room. Misty isn’t usually this mean she's really nice but she's so stressed the principal retired last year and we still haven’t found a principal but right now Misty is doing EVERYTHING, She can’t be principal because she hasn’t gone to college.

“What you have first period?” said Jail completely unaffected.

“Mr. I’m-As-Cocky-As-Hell-Clever” I said I really did not enjoy having math for my first class of the day.

“Me too I have him again last period for health.” He said nonchalantly

“WHAT!? We have him for health too!”

Dear Teacher, Teach Me A Lesson On Love (Teacher/Student Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now