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  Screams. That's all you heard around there at 2am. Screams and shouts and possible crashes of cheep lamps falling off the nightstand. Sometimes, if you listened closely enough, you could hear the soft whimpers of my fellow broken soul acquaintances.

It was terrifying. The dirty, yellow walls looked as if they were more than 50 years old and the floors squeaked in every random corner. The windows were just squared shaped wholes, framed with old wooden slabs to make them look the least bit presentable. I'm telling you., it was terrifying.

That's why I left. I escaped that nightmare of reality and ran away to actually live. I never planed on where to go or where to stay or how I would survive for the time being. All of these things seemed completely unnecessary at the time because the only thing on my mind was leaving the one place I was forced to call home. All I could think about was that in the morning, I would wake up and instead of seeing the sad cracked wall of my bedroom, I would see a beautiful sky filled with colors that were thought to last forever.

I cant tell you how wrong I was  

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