Chapter 2

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"I hope she is okay" I hear a whispered voice with an English accent say
"Dude where did you even find her?" Another guy says with more of an Irish accent.
"I found her outside. I was going out back to get some fresh air before we perform and I saw some guy push her into the building causing her to hit her head. I think she may have a concussion."
I blink a few times trying to make out where I am. I see a room full of grey walls. It's not very big. I am laying on a couch. There is a white coffee table with two smaller chairs on the other side of it. Two guys happen to be sitting in them. They look familiar and I feel like I have seen them before, yet I can't seem to figure out where. One of the boys is a curly haired boy which seems to notice that I am awake and yells,
"She's awake!" Which hurts my head tremendously. I groan and bring my hand up to my head in response to this and he must notice because he mumbles an apology before making his way over to me. He hands me a cold wet rag to put over my head.
"Where am I and who are you?" I ask them.
"I am Harry, and this is Niall." The curly hair boy says gesturing over to who I know now as Niall. "And you are at a place called PCS. Also known as performance and concert stadium." He tells me and I recognise the name as the building Matt and I were standing outside of. Matt. I forgot about him.
"Where is Matt? Is he here?"
"Who is Matt?" Niall questions
"My boyfriend, he was just with me before I blacked out."
"Oh you mean the asshole who was pushing you around outside? Yeah he ran off after I punched him. Hopefully he knows now not to treat a girl like that." Harry tells me. He has a concerned face but I still feel a bit offended for talking about Matt like that. I hope he is okay.
"Don't talk about him like that. It's my fault he did that anyway. I was late to our dinner so actually he has every reason to be mad."
A man with a head set enters the room announcing the boys have 5 minutes.
"5 minutes until what?" I ask
"First off it is not your fault. A man should never treat a girl like that. And second off we have a concert to attend so you can sit here backstage until the concert is over and then we will go and get your head checked out. By the way what is your name?"

"Macy, and I am fine, I just want to go home."

"No it's too late you stay here and I will be right back after the show. Let's go Niall." And just like that he leaves the room going to attend a concert? Or many perform at the concert? I'm not sure but I guess I will just have to wait and find out.

Authors note/

I love love love you all and even though this book doesn't get many views, I love writing it! So comment what you think! I would be more than happy to read and respond to your comments (:

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