Chapter 2: Questions Rise at Homeland security

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Few minutes after the unexpected attack, questions started to rise in SHIELD about the man in black. Nick sits in his chair ruffling through papers trying to find some information about this man. Seconds later Captain America stands in his doorway with a furious look on his face as he walks towards theory's desk, theory stands up and walks toward him " Theory what the hell just happen last night, out of know where the building just starts to rumble like there was an equal force in the ground" " you actually think I had something to do with this attack Rogers there some days where you are super then there's these days that make me question whether you need to take like a year off. Look after a couple minutes of research found this....the man where looking for is known as John Dan woven works for the new Titanium company that builds suits like Tony's". "So we track where the company is then go in with force".
Sighing Theory speaks" That's just the thing we can't go in there charging in like its we have to plain an attack. We need Stark's suit because he might be able to use stealth mode break the sensors and get passed the security officers.". " You know that stark is a hard ass and if you send him with me you can jeopardize this whole mission... Your choose call stark and have him meet me by wing b and we attack from wing c then we go in attacking the company and the man". "Any more information that your possibly keeping from me?". "No capt and if you want to remain in this building you need to build self respect".Smirking he turns around and walks out meeting exactly at wing b, but Stark's take a few minutes flying in".
"Great I got interrupted from my workout for this. What's the mission baby cap" " Go in you use stealth mode and disable all arms security cameras whatever is a threat to our mission". After the directions stark goes in stealthy flying in knocking out security sensors and weapons silently moving swiftly. "Captain it's a go" "copy that". Walking in Tony's direction Tony's turns off stealth mode in the armor, " Man I'm feeling a little but stiff today" "Yeah don't get to lucky tough nut I have a feeling theory isn't exactly telling us something we need to know ".
Tony laughs " Ha how funny you guys are like a wife and husband always arguing over the little things". " I subject that if you wanna stay in one peace stay in your armor okay". As they continue to walk the ground shakes again the same exact shake that destroyed Rogers apartment complex. They continue walking but the captain pulls Tony to the side. " What the hell is that?" says Tony. Looking at captain America Rogers speaks " Titanium man aka John Dan Woven. The man that destroyed a civilian area".

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