Chapter 4: Retreat

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As the two titanium armors land Tony gets up off the ground and captain America gets tossed to the ground. Grunting while getting up the armors fires up there repulser Ray aiming at the two avengers. Seeing what's about to happen Tony and Rogers gets the shields ready, after a few minutes the repulsers go off. Laughing evilly the machines pilots all speak at the same time" You fools think that you can defeat us ha you are about to witness what real power looks like muhawww". Tony speaks" captain we have to retreat we can't take this much repulser ray.
After saying that he grabs captain and flys off and disappears into the clouds falling into a desert in the middle of know where. Really pissed know captain tosses his shield to the ground and starts screaming" That's it! I can't trust theory any more I don't care if I get revoked from the damn building this is the last damn time". Hours of hours of crucial walking they appear in front of the homeland security headquarters building. When they walk in the building everyone is cheering and clapping screaming there names in such joy that it almost made Tony and Rogers through up.
When Theory opens up the door captain try's to hit him almost catching him in the eye. Looking astonished theory speaks" what's the..... Captain cuts him off, " you don't have the right to speak you knew that they where making bigger suits then Tony's and better yet after his suit died we landed in the desert forced to walk her because you didn't send a plain to us that's it Tony lets go, get one of your knew suits because where going in and this time I call the shots forgot theory". After he was done they walked out preparing for the the final battle.

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