Imagine: Derek - Let it Snow

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A/N: Hello everyone! First off, I'd like to say thanks to everyone who's reading, commenting, and voting!! I appreciate it so much. <3 Just like always, you can request something by leaving a message and I'll try to fill your request as soon as possible. Today's imagine isn't based on a request, but it comes from this post:

If you go to that blog and you see a prompt that you would like turned into an imagine, just post a comment with the link to the prompt and which dancer you want it to be about. Don't forget that you can also request certain preferences!! I'm happy to fill your requests. :)

You weren't used to snow. You were used to LA winters. Sure, it got cold, but it never snowed. You didn't realize how thankful you were for that until you decided to go back to Utah with Derek for the winter. 

Just like always, you got up before Derek did. He was a late sleeper, and you hated to wake up him earlier than he normally would. Smiling at him as he slept, he leaned over to press a soft kiss to his nose before pulling yourself out of bed. 

The heater on the little apartment was on full blast, but you still dressed yourself in a warm sweater, putting fleece leggings on underneath your jeans. You put on two pairs of socks before pulling on your snow boots. Just before tugging on your gloves and heavy coat, you wrote out a note and put it on your pillow for Derek to find when he woke up. Then, putting on your brave face, you exited the apartment and stepped out into the frigid winter air.


When Derek woke up, he frowned, finding the other side of the bed cold. He reached out to your side of the bed, pausing when he felt his hand brush against what felt like paper. Picking up the paper, he read the note. 

Derek -

I went out for groceries. I'll be back in a little while.

Love you!

He smiled at the way you signed your name with a little heart. He remained in bed for a little while, slowly waking himself up. He was just about to doze off again when he heard the front door shut. Knowing you were home, he smiled slightly and rose from the bed, coming out of the room to greet you.

Your hands felt like they were frozen shut. You were shivering, teeth chattering, as you brushed the snow off of your shoulders. You shuffled over to the table, unfolding your frozen fingers from the bag of groceries to set them down.

"Babe? Is that you?"

"I'm h-home," you called back, shuffling back over to the coat rack to take off your snow-covered coat and hang it up. Derek came up behind you as you were slipping off your boots, winding his arms around you.

"Holy shit," he said, pulling back. "Babe, you're freezing!"

You couldn't do anything but nod, teeth chattering. Derek guided you over to the couch, bundling you in the warm quilt that the two of you had taken to cuddling beneath. Once he was sure you were wrapped up tightly, he kissed your frozen nose and each of your red cheeks before going into the kitchen. He came back a moment later with a steaming mug in his hands. You had to untangle your hands from the quilt before you reached out and took it, the delicious smell of hot chocolate wafting up to your nose. Just the smell of it make you feel warmer.

"Alright, scoot over."

You looked up at him, brow furrowed. "What?"

"Scoot over, I'm gonna help warm you up." You shuffled to the side slightly, and once you'd made a little bit of room, Derek slid onto the couch beside you. Before you could react, he had pulled you onto his lap.

He nuzzled his face into your neck. His hot breath on your skin simultaneously warmed you to the core and sent shivers down your back. Taking a long sip from the mug of hot cocoa, you let out a contented sigh. 

"Love you," you mumbled, shifting to make yourself comfortable in his lap. He tightened his arms around you, holding you close to him. After a moment, he pressed a soft kiss to the skin of your neck.

"Love you too," he replied, voice muffled against your skin. The two of you remained there for the rest of the morning, curled up together on the couch and sharing the mug of hot chocolate. So maybe the weather outside was a bit frightful, but cuddling with Derek was delightful, and since you had no place to go...well, you let it snow.

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