Chapter 1 (⚠️)

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How had this happened? The demon thought. I rule the nightmare realm, how have I been reduced to this? The pines family had banished him from reality...Not for long but he had still been banished. I need a vessel but not one they know...

But where to get a vessel? Out of town.
Of course! Out of town.. Why hadn't he thought of this? Oh wait he did! That was his MIND'S VOICE!

Bill floated through the portal to a big city where he found a young teen, homeless and struck a deal, he possessed the body while he was taken care of. The teen, hungry and alone, shook on it immediately, without a thought. What a fool, Bill's mind voice sneered, He doesn't know this deal is for life, he WILL NEVER REGAIN HIS BODY! The voice screamed.

As they shook hands Bill cackled as the boy's soul was ripped from his body and Bill took residence inside, He flexed his fingers and stretched his limbs as if he were reading the owners manual of a new machine. This is true POWER! Bill's mind voice screamed.

Now let's change your outfit... Bill thought, unleashing the powers of a demon Bill changed the rags clothing his vessel into a white shirt with a yellow vest, black pants, with black shoes, and a yellow overcoat with a galaxy under print that was constantly shifting. Bill wasn't used to having TWO eyes so he conjured an eyepatch and situated it over his left eye. There perfect. Bill opened a portal to Gravity Falls and stepped through.

Not used to portal travel with legs his fist step into Gravity Falls almost landed him on his face. Bill picked up his top hat and brushed the dust off of it, thank Lady Midnight for his cane, it had saved him from face planting.
You forgot about having legs. Bill's mind voice taunted. Shut up, you're part of ME, and I can rid myself of you at any time! As Bill argued with the voice in his head, townsfolk began to notice him, A strange man had once appeared in the same way and nothing but trouble had come of it, Most made the smart decision and left him alone but a curious few wanted to approach him. The second they neared him they felt an aura of danger surrounding him, maybe it was the strange clothes, or the fact that he was muttering to himself, or maybe it was the fact that an eerie smile was slowly working its way into his face. The towns people knew this man was dangerous so they stayed away.

That was fine with Bill.

It was perfectly okay with Bill.

These fools weren't the ones he was after.

Not the ones he was after at all.

I'm coming for you,


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2015 ⏰

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