Kingdom Whammy

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In a kingdom far away from here there was a princess, and as sappy as it sounds, HE (and yes I am aware that I said he) was going to fall in love with one of the princes in the other kingdoms. First, a fight was about to brew between a once peaceful kingdom. History, ugh... lets get this over with so bare with me. In the Land of Whammy a lone King named Quilish had a son, well adopted son, named L Lawliet, but he liked to be called L. Only L. L was gay, and he fell in love with another boy named Beyond Birthday. He liked to be known as Beyond, and unless you were L, you better have called him Beyond.

They both loved each other to no end. The king was okay with L wanting to marry Beyond, I mean, he wanted his son to be happy above all else, even if that included a half crazed, red-eyed boy as a son-in-law and in turn, the new King. When they married, the now King Beyond wanted to break away from the original single unit Kingdom. King Whammy, not eager to split his kingdom or give up his leadership, wanted to reason with him. It was futile, and no matter how much Whammy or L tried to change Beyonds mind, he decided against it.

So the kingdom was split. Beyond Birthday king of one side and Quilish Whammy as the king of the other side. They wanted an heir to the throne, but as everyone knows males CAN'T have children. That didn't stop them, no, in fact it didn't at all. They decided to adopt a child. The child had to be a boy, strong and leader-like. Those were the requirements Beyond had set and L, eager to have a new addition to the family, set out with his husband to visit the local orphanage.

They found many children that would have been suitable. Beyond smiled at all the different options for heirs to follow him, but frowned when he saw L stray away from the good choices. L wandered over to a small white haired weakling in the corner. He played with small colored blocks and didn't look a day over three years old. He was 5 so that only added to his small and weak fragile look.

L smiled at the boy and the boy looked back at him. He reached down to the small child and picked him up in his arms and walked over to Beyond, "I like this one." Beyond frowned, "Lawli, that child is too small. He will never make a suitable heir. Don't you like any of the other boys?" L stood up straight and gazed at Beyond assertively, "I like this one." The King sighed at his lovely wife's stubbornness, "Okay." They left with the small child. He clung to his new parent's shirt and smiled happily that he was finally going to live with a family.

L beamed and held the small boy, and even though he was different, L knew that this boy would make a fine heir and son. A red head and a blonde glared and watched as their albino 'friend' left with the kings.

There were other kingdoms of course, I mean what is a world without other possible conflicting kingdoms? Different kingdoms, like the ones that aren't so happy and lovey dovey. An Eastern Kingdom that had a king and queen wanted to also adopt a son because the queen didn't want the pregnant or birth parts of having a child. The queen was named Misa Amane, and the king was named Light Yagami. Misa was too caught up in her wonderous body and abs to want to go through the fat and blubbery pregnancy and the pain in birth. Then there was the extensive amounts of exercise that she would have to do to loose that weight. She couldn't do that, she didn't WANT to do that.

Light wanted, no, more like needed an heir. He couldn't lose out to L, his rival since he was a prince in childhood, anymore. L was already smarter, wealthier and happier than Light was. He didn't want to feel anymore inferior to L than he already did. Especially when he could fix it by having a brat at the castle, and if it shut Misa up about this family thing, so be it.

They went to the orphanage and Misa looked around the room full of boys, because of course Light wanted a son, she wanted a handsome and strong boy and if possible, a boy that looked like her. She spotted a boy with her taste, he wore black, his eyes were an icy blue and his hair...It was a fine blonde color just like hers. He was in a way, perfect.

She ran to the boy and literally dragged him away from the red head he was sitting next to. The 7 year old boy was confused but soon realized he was going to be adopted by the loud and annoying queen. He looked over at his best friend and waved sadly goodbye. This was it.

The last and final kingdom to the west had a King named A and a queen, that was the younger sister of Light, named Sayu. They were a happy couple and A ruled his country with pride and love for his people.

Sayu was generous and kind to all unlike her older, harsher brother Light. Who was cruel to his citizens by using the power of the death notes. She blamed it on his unhappy marriage, but all that mattered is she was happy and loved her husband with all her heart.

So, you could imagine the disappointment and shame she felt when she found out that there was no way she could have children. Sayu became angry and when Queen Misa had simply adopted a child because she didn't want to go through pregnancy and birth, she felt more enraged than ever. Who was she to just not 'FEEL' like experiencing the wonders of having a child? The queen felt like this was an insult to her personally, like she was shoving it in Sayu's face that SHE could have children and Sayu couldn't, but just chose not to because, god forbid, she HAD the choice.

King A was distressed at the fact his beautiful wife was so unhappy. He understood her pain because he also wanted a child of his own. One day a servant came in with a suggestion. He suggested that they go and adopt a child at the local orphanage. The king and queen became excited and set out that day to go and do just that.

When they arrived the king wandered around for a child. The queen had already met fifteen wonderful young girls and boys but none of them was what she was looking for, until that is the king waved her over to a table. She quickly rushed over there until he motioned for her to slow down. She tiptoed like approaching a small animal and peered to where he was pointing.

A medium sized, red haired boy was playing a worn out Gameboy system. He looked about 6 years old. He had goggles on his face and looked quite engaged in the game. The king and queen looked at one another and smiled. They eagerly wanted to know more about him. Waiting, the pair stood by him and watched his movements. The boy gazed up at them strangely because he felt weird being monitored like he was. He ambled over to them, "H-hey..."

The king and queen almost screamed in delight. Bending down, the queen brushed his red hair away from his eyes and looked into them. He was so handsome and not to mention kind, for she could tell it in his eyes, this was the child they had been longing for.

The boy did something totally out of character, he reached out and put his arms around her neck in a small hug before he pulled away slowly. The queen gasped at the small touch and pulled him back quickly into her arms. This is what she always wanted. She picked up the boy swiftly and with tears in her eyes, looked at the king, and smiled happily while the boy clung to her burring his face in the nicest lady he had ever seen's neck.

He however had given up hope in being adopted. Unlike his two other friends, he had been picked several times before, but was always given back multiple times because they found another, more suitable son or daughter.

The king was happy with the queen's choice and walked out of the orphanage with the others. The boy couldn't believe they were going to really take him, the nicest people in the world were going to take...HIM. Clinging to his new mom and game system, he couldn't wait to get to his new home. Okay! So that's the of the history of the kingdoms, Let's fast forward into the story shall we?

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2013 ⏰

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