Part 1

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A/n: oh my Gosh yaaass Starting my first Chapter !! Hope you guys enjoy it.
By the way this actor is going to play Jen!

Jens P.O.V

"Honey! Come down stairs for Breakfast! Your Waffles are getting cold." My mom yells

Oh my god ! Why does my mom have to yell so freaking Loud! I'm not even done getting dressed.
"I'm coming mom! Calm yours tits! I'm changing!" I yell back. I headed down stairs as soon as i got done. I entered the kitchen I saw my stepfather eating and my little brother, I'm honestly surprised my brother is out of his room. My mom turned around and saw me standing by the door "Oh honey you're here great eat you waffles before you leave." I love my mom's waffles they are like heaven in your mouth I saver every bit of it it's that amazing! *Honk* oh here's my ride! "Bye mom, bye little bro! Bye Tim.."

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