Chapter 14

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Chapter 14
Josh Heid Thompson

"Josh, stop!" Ezerette groaned as he panted hard, needing an air. I smirked as I saw his flushed face. "God, ah! Sto - oh, fuck."

Grinning, I kept slapping his bum as he gave me a glare. We were playing a game, which we didn't know. We just made it up. We couldn't asleep, so we decided to play something else. How the game worked was, we were going to think of words to continue the sentence. It should make sense. So far, he had lost because my last words were "wanting to eat banana," and he continued, "because banana is vegetable,"

Although it did make sense. But according to the rule, we must also state a fact. But he said the banana was a vegetable. Of course, being the dumb he was, he felt proud of his answer, but as soon as he had realized what he said, his eyes widen and whined.

Now he was facing the consequences, which was spanking on the bum. 10 times. He wasn't able to beat me though. He was really trying hard to punish me or something, but I wouldn't let him. I had studied English language, so I knew how to at least construct a sentence that would make sense and would make Ezerette fail. And so far, I did a good job.

"According to the rules," I said, smirking again. "One that's being punished must count the spanking. If not, the punisher shall start all over again. And also foul words. Which makes it double. So all in all, you'd get 20 slaps."

"Hey!" He protested, standing up. I grabbed the hem of his pants and tugged it down, which made him sit.

"That's not fair! We didn't even say it in our rule book before the game started!"

"Well, it has been added." I said stubbornly, shrugging.

"Since when?" He spat, narrowing his eyes at me.

"Since 5 seconds ago,"

He then rolled off, stood up and ran. I immediately stood up and followed him, running behind him. He got out of my room and went downstairs, me running behind him. Ezerette went straight to the kitchen and damn he was such a fast runner. He smirked when he saw me getting tired and a wicked smile tugged on my lips.

Bring it on, bitch.

Ezerette was trying to distract me, or confuse me, by making a fake run to the other direction but only to run to the other. As expected, I tried to grab his arm but he just kneeled down and went pass me. Groaning, I turned on my heels and tried to catch him. My breath was shallow and my legs felt numbed and exhausted as I kept running behind Ezerette. He went back straight to the room and locked the door.

Cursing, I pounded and pounded on the door until I stopped because of exhaustion. I took a seat on the rugged floor and waited for him to open the door, too tired to speak.

Seconds later, Ezerette opened the door slightly, peeking at me. As soon as he saw me, he opened the door widely and helped me stand up. My breathing came back to normal and we headed inside my room. As soon as we got inside, I pushed him on the bed and crawled on top of him. He groaned loudly and glared at me.

"Gotcha," I whispered, smiling wickedly at him.We were breathing hard.

My eyes gazed down on his slightly parted lips, and his breath turned shallow as he kept his eyes at me.

When I went back to looking his eyes, it was a color of hazel. When in far, it looked brown, but when you got closer, it's a shade of hazel. It's so beautiful. His lashes were quite long and his nose were pointy. We were just looking at each other when unconsciously leaned down. I didn't know what I was thinking, I just did lean.

But then it was like I had been splashed with a cold water, which made me avert my eyes and rolled down and laughed hard. The laugh was fake though.

Ezerette looked at me like I had lost my mind, and his confused expression turned into angry one as he threw the pillow at me. His mood made me stop laughing and I frowned. Earlier, we were just having fun, playing games, and now, he was acting childish.

"I'm going home," he said emotionless, his expression went black as he gathered his things; wallet and cellphone. "Mom needs me."

"No," I said immediately, not wanting him to leave. He rolled his eyes and being the stubborn he was, turned on his heels and wore his shoes and tried to walk away. I grabbed his arm and spun him around and he shot me an icy glare. "I said no. You're going to stay here and you don't have a say in this."

"Jesus, Josh!" He said, throwing his hands up in the air, feeling frustrated. "I'm no slave of yours. Okay? Go find someone who gives a shit, you little bipolar shit. I'm getting tired of your attitude. You act high and mighty and you treat me like a fucking peasant and I'm done. I'm so fucking done."

"No," I said again, glaring at him. My voice held malice as I stood up and cracked my knuckles. "You are going to stay here and you're not going home until I say so. You'll obey me."

"Didn't you hear what I said?" He spat. He was close to breaking down. Ezerette was just trying to contain his anger. But if this was the only way of keeping him, then yes, I'd do this. "I said I'm no slave of yours! I'll do what I gotta do. I'm going on a show, tell them that it's all fake and a big misunderstanding so we can move on with our lives."

"You're going to do nothing!" I shouted, not able to contain my anger. It felt like I was being rejected, being ignored. And I didn't want that to happen again. I wanted someone to stay with me, to keep me. Ezerette was doing the same thing. I didn't know him well, but it kind of hurt that he wanted to back off. I wanted to feel what they felt, to be taken care of someone without using you for business and money. "You are staying here and that's final!"

"You psycho!"

"Shut up!"

"Fuck yo - "

I grabbed his hand and pushed him back on the bed. He struggled and shouted at me, punching my chest and I growled at him. I then laid beside him and hugged him with all my might to stop him. He screamed at me and tried to pry me away.

Ezerette kept trying to get away from me. It hurt. It felt like I was losing a best friend; and we all knew best friend breaking up was the worst break up ever. It was like a paper full of beautiful words that had been ripped. You wouldn't be able to complete the thought, or read it until the end, because the other part was missing.

I hugged him tight and shut my eyes. Then I remembered when I was a kid, when my uncle George used to beat me. No one wanted to protect me. No one had protected me from him. It was one of the reasons why I hated life and love. Mom said that Uncle George loved me, but was it love? He used to beat me until I went limp in his hands and no one knew about it.

He was still screaming and my heart clenched as I remembered myself screaming until my throat got dried.

A tear slipped my eye and the memories came back rushing to me.

Uncle George used to give me commands and I knew better than not to obey him or else I'd get another beating. Even though he was beating me up, I was surprised Mom and Dad hadn't noticed the bruises. When they did, I had only said that it because I was weak and clumsy, which they believed.
"Please stop..." I begged Ezerette. "Please..."

Immediately, Ezerette stopped wiggling and looked at me with wide eyes. He never spoke, which was a good thing. I never cried in front of everyone, much less to a guy, but I couldn't keep it any longer.
It was a shame.

"Don't cry, Josh," Ezerette said aa he brushed the tears away. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have acted that way. I'm really sorry."

He then gave me a hug which I gladly accepted. I needed someone who could comfort me and I was glad Ezerette was here to give me that pleasure. Although I had been a jerk to him, he was the nicest person I had ever met.

"Just stay with me," I said, hugging him tight. "Just for tonight."

"Don't worry, I'll stay."

"Tomorrow," I began, blinking back the tears. "Let's get to know more of each other. Are you up for a date?"

"A date?"

I nodded.

"Sure, why not?" Even though it's quite dark, I could see him blushing. He cursed under his breath and rolled his eyes to himself.

"Then it's set."

We just laid there, hugging each other until we grew tired. Never had I thought that I would sleep tonight with a man by my side. It was kind of weird yet exciting.

And I guessed the excitement added more to my confusion; as to what I really felt about everything.

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