Chapter 16

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Clara said something about giving me presents. I was wondering if I had heard it right.

"Oh you didn't have to do that!!" I freaked out, but they had already held their presents in my face before I could deny them.

"You're not allowed to say no. We worked hard on these." Clara pouted.

In every little gift bag they gave me, there were cute little plush dolls of their animatronics.

"Wow! You made these??" I asked,

"With Felix's help." Gordon laughed.

"Woah. Felix, you can sew?"

"Yeah, where do you think your dress came from?" Felix answered. "I used the material from the curtains of the cove."

It was funny thinking about Felix sewing with the way he looked. He basically had the appearance of a badboy, and yet he could pull of something so feminine. But, it would explain why the Foxy doll was so neat, and the others were kinda sloppy and disproportionate. I loved them all the same though.

"Thanks everyone.." I held them close to me. "I'll treasure these."

Uncle then came out with a giant pizza. It actually didn't look that bad.

"Wow Mr.(L/N)!" Clara looked at the pizza he set on one of the tables.

"This wasn't my first attempt. Just throwin that out there." Uncle laughed. We all did too.

We all ate and had so much fun, that we didn't notice the passing of time.

"Guys." Felix mentioned. "It's almost time to go."

We all looked at the clock above the stage and saw that we only had 10 minutes left. I tried with all my might to keep the tears inside.

"Don't cry, (Y/N)." Sai smiled gently and kissed me one last time.

"I won't." I replied. At least not at the moment.

"We'll miss you." Clara tackled me in a hug that they all joined in on.

"I'll miss you too. Every one of you." I said. "I just wish you could stay."

"Of course we wish that too." Ben said. "But we will be near."


"Promise." Gordon assured. Just then, the 6 am bell rang.

"Bye (Y/N)!" Clara said.

"Bye everyone. I love you." I tried my best to be strong.

"We love you too." Sai said. They all waved as uncle took my hand and led me to the door. I looked away momentarily, and when I looked back, they were gone. I just held my dolls closer to me, and kept walking with uncle.

Uncle's POV

After we had left the other 5 kids, I would not leave (Y/N)'s side. I drove her home, holding her hand the entire way. She was back to the person she was before she took that job. Only this time, a piece of her was missing. It had gone with her friends. I didn't know what to do, other than to stay with her all the time.

(Y/N)'s POV

I appreciated that Uncle was always with me. I really needed him. Even though he would always leave for work, I was grateful for the time he spent with me. It reminded me that I still had someone.

Weeks after my last night at the pizzeria and with my friends, I began to get back into my old routine, judo and engineering, as well as being a homemaker. The pizzeria had since closed.

Uncle came home one night with my favorite ice cream.

"Hey (Y/N), I need to talk to you." Uncle took his chair at the dining table, and sat it right across from me so he could hold both of my hands. "I need to tell you something. Do you remember the day you moved in with me?"

"Yes, uncle." I looked at him.

"I wanted to tell you that since then, even though the circumstances sucked, you have been the light of my life."

I smiled slightly.

"That was the first time you smiled since..." He trailed off. I looked away.
"I look at you everyday, and I can tell you're hurting. It kills me to see you this way."

"... I'm sorry. Sai asked me not to cry." That was all I could think of to say.

"But Sai didn't ask you to stop smiling." Uncle continued. He left the room momentarily and came back with a black book. "I hope that this can help bring your smile back." He handed it to me. I opened it.

When I looked at the pages, I saw various shots of each of my friends. I hadn't gotten the idea to take pictures of any of them. And in these pictures, uncle obviously had taken them when my friends weren't looking. Each page was a collage of each of my friends.

As I turned each page, my smile grew wider, until the last one. There, a picture of my dance, and kiss, with Sai.

"You made this?" I asked.

"Yeah, even though in some of these moments, you thought I wasn't in the room." He laughed. "I was going to wait for Christmas, but I thought you needed it sooner. Do you like it?"

"I love it very much! Thanks Uncle!" I smiled widely.

"That's what I like to see." He chuckled. "Now, there was a reason I bought this ice cream." He reached into his pocket and pulled out an envelope and handed it to me. "You'll probably think I'm really stupid for this, but..." He trailed off again, and waited for me to open the envelope. I did so and read it. It was silent while I did.

"Wait. You didn't..." I put my hand over my mouth.

"I did. I quit my job, and bought the pizzeria." He stood up and pretended to bow, like I was royalty. "You are now co-owner of Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria."

I looked through it again before jumping up and embracing him tightly.

"Thank you so much uncle!!!!" I cried.

"You're welcome Sweetheart."

"Now we can go and put the animatronics back together!"

"What do you think I have been doing these past few weeks? The pizzaria is as good as new. We can open it anyday now."



"You're the best." I kissed his cheek. I was happy now that I could make children happy, and ensure that the happiness once spread by those animatronics lived on.

A/N: and there you have it! How was it? Please comment and vote. Also, there may be a sequel, depending on whether or not people want it. And again, thank you so much for reading! I loved writing it, and I hope I made atleast one person smile with my story. Thanks again!

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