Missing Supers

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Location: US NSA Headquarters

A large projector lights up a screen and shows the latest breaking news story.
"In the past week, four individuals have been reported to be missing. Today, a fifth has been added to the list. Jake Hanson, age 32. He was reported to be last seen heading home after a staff promotion party. Police are currently investigating these disappearances and seem to have no lead. Could these be random kidnappings?
That's what Officer Porter believes."
The screen then changes to a different location, showing said officer being interviewed.
"None of the victims show to have any connection with each other. So it's highly possible it is random."
It then changes back to the news anchor.
"If you have any information of the missing individuals please contact the numbers on the screen." An image containing the names and faces of the missing victims appear and directly below are the several numbers needed for contact.
"That is all. Good evening."

The projector is then turned off.

"There is a link between all these people." An old man in a black suit said. "All happen to be supers."

"So someone is kidnapping supers?" Someone questioned.

"Exactly. This person or these people seem to know what they're doing. They've managed to capture people with the abilities of speed, mind reading, teleportation, strength, and fire manipulation."

"What do you think they have against supers?" Another man asked.

The room seemed to be a sort of conference room and many government agents from the NSA were seated alongside the long table. Rick Diker being up the front.

Rick faced towards the one who spoke. "Do you recall the lawsuits against supers seventeen years ago?" He raised an eyebrow. "It caused many citizens to turn against supers for the damages they caused. There's a chance our suspect may had come from that era. Or maybe someone has a personal vendetta. We can't say for sure. But right now, our main priority is to keep our current existing supers safe."

"But we have many listed in our system and there could be more we don't know about. How can we possibly keep them all safe?" A female asked.

"Many of the older supers in our system have had training and have control of their abilities. They may be harder targets for the perpetrator. So I say we take in the younger generation of supers. Those whose powers may have only begun to manifest and had no preparation for them. We have a facility available. They'll be safe and will be able to train with no trouble whatsoever."

All present seemed to agree with this idea. A school for supers, maybe even have experienced supers teach. They'd be able to keep an eye on many supers at once.

"Alright." Diker said. "You'll receive your assignments soon. For now, go rest." He concluded.

And with that, everyone departed the room and headed to wherever they planned on heading.

"Sir?" A young woman stopped Rick. "We'll be bringing in children?"

"That's the idea." Diker nodded.

"I don't understand why exactly?"

"Younger supers or those whose powers have only begun to manifest are more unstable. They're more likely to overload with it. And many of the younger one's never had much field training, as our super program was shut down years ago due to the lawsuits."

"Ahh." The woman nodded understandingly.

"Is that all Agent .S?" Diker asked.

"Hmm...oh yes. Thank you." She gave a nod and headed out.

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